This is how intermittent fasting can relieve stomach problems – Times of India

Opinions of nutritionists and weight loss experts are divided regarding intermittent fasting. Diet patterns that alternate between periods of fasting and eating are said by some to be effective in reducing kilos, while others suggest the opposite. Nevertheless, this lifestyle habit is currently a rage among weight watchers and fitness enthusiasts. New research suggests that intermittent fasting may benefit your health in a way that is related to weight loss.

New advantage of intermittent fasting

According to a team of researchers from the University of British Columbia in Canada, fasting can prevent severe symptoms of food poisoning. In laboratory tests conducted on rats, it was found that when rats that were fasted for 48 hours were given Salmonella orally, they experienced fewer infections. The bacteria did not cause food poisoning in the mice compared to those on a normal diet. Scientists said fasting can reduce damage and inflammation of all intestinal tissue, which can be a major cause of gastrointestinal discomfort in the case of food poisoning.

Why does this happen
According to the researcher, when food in the gut is limited, the microbiome strips away the rest of the nutrients, preventing pathogens from getting the energy they need to infect the host.

However, the team of researchers also noted that whether or not to fast to prevent symptoms of food poisoning is a complex topic. There are many theories related to this. No firm conclusions can be drawn from this study as much research is needed in this area. Furthermore, there is a huge difference between animal studies and human exposure to pathogens. It’s best to talk to your doctor before trying intermittent fasting to ease the symptoms of food poisoning.

Other benefits of intermittent fasting apart from weight loss

Losing weight isn’t just about intermittent fasting, this eating pattern can help you in more ways than one.

It changes the function of hormones
Many things happen in your body during fasting. First there is a change in hormone levels to make stored food more accessible to produce energy and repair the cell. Insulin levels drop significantly and the body starts removing waste material from the cells.

It can reduce inflammation in the body
Aging and chronic diseases are all caused by oxidative stress. Free radicals present in the body react with and damage other important molecules such as proteins and DNA. This eating pattern increases the body’s resistance to oxidative stress.

it is good for heart health
Intermittent fasting has also been shown to be beneficial in reducing the risk of heart disease. It can help improve blood sugar levels, blood pressure, blood triglycerides, all of which contribute to heart diseases.

It can benefit your brain
Intermittent fasting improves various metabolic characteristics known to improve brain health. Studies show that it can increase the growth of new nerve cells and reduce the risk of stroke.


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