How to lose weight without going to gym? Here are 5 hacks

Whenever one talks about weight loss – exercise is the first thing that comes to mind. With the increase in the number of fitness enthusiasts, new categories of workout regimens are emerging every day. Exercise is one of the most time consuming processes and it goes without saying that it takes a lot of energy and time. While college going students can easily practice it, it is difficult for officer goers to run, jump and lift weights after a tiring day. This is the last thing anyone would want to do. But you do not need to worry because you can lose weight even without going to the gym. Here are five ways to do this:

  1. Healthy Breakfast:

It is natural to feel hungry in the evening, but most of us end up eating unhealthy snacks. Replace unhealthy snacks with seasonal fruits, green tea, nuts-almonds, cashews, and a mix of fox or peanuts. Don’t give in to the craving and avoid eating high calorie fast food.

  1. Sleep

A good night’s sleep is one of the major factors that help with weight loss. Proper sleep of seven to eight hours ensures that all the bodily functions are done properly. If the sleep cycle is regular, then there is proper secretion of hormones. Sleeping in the wrong way can lead to cravings and further weight gain.

  1. black coffee

Black coffee will help you burn 500 calories per week, and if you drink it without added sugar, it will reduce the calorie content of black coffee even more. 60% of the calories in black coffee come from the added sugar. However, if you are not used to the taste of black coffee without sugar, you can add drops of honey to it. This will add sweetness to the drink without adding calories.

  1. can food

Foods tagged ‘low calorie’ and ‘sugar-free’ may tempt you to try them, don’t forget that they are usually canned or tinned items with added sugars and preservatives. Consuming such packaged foods can lead to excessive weight gain instead of weight loss. You will not only feel full but it will also thwart your weight loss efforts to a great extent.

  1. Water

Water is a wonderful drink, and consuming six to eight glasses of water every day is a cliché that carries various benefits. However, one must drink water to keep the body hydrated as going overboard will increase the water retention in the body, which will make you feel bloated and also contribute to weight gain. Drink enough water to flush out the toxins from the body which cleanses the system.

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