Why stress and depression affect dental health; and how to stop it

Mental health can have a detrimental effect on your life and body. If a person suffers from stress, anxiety or depression, he may start to gain weight, hair fall or suffer from prolonged fatigue and weakness. But did you know that poor mental health can also lead to oral health problems? People who take a lot of stress or suffer from anxiety due to some personal reasons build their own coping mechanisms like smoking, drinking alcohol, eating late night snacks and binge eating which can lead to dental problems. Is.

Due to laziness and fatigue, a person may not feel like preparing food, due to which there is a lack of nutrition. This causes enamel erosion as the person may start eating too many sugary treats and junk, resulting in tooth decay and cavities.

It has also been observed that people suffering from depression develop burning mouth syndrome despite good oral hygiene. This may be due to poor nutrition as mentioned above.

Dental concerns are very common today among people with mental health issues. Anxiety disorders can keep you from going to the dentist and can therefore lead to oral problems. Depression and anxiety also cause one to be more sensitive to pain, which leads to sensitivity. Antidepressant drugs prescribed to mental health patients have a myriad of side effects such as dry mouth. Dry mouth increases the risk of gum disease.

Consumption of alcohol, smoking and drugs are the worst ways to deal with depression and anxiety. Alcohol causes gum disease, smoking and drugs cause tar deposits and can easily become a cause of oral cancer.

Preventive measures for good oral health

Oral diseases are caused by mental health problems and can lower a person’s self-confidence, making their mental health worse. To save yourself from getting caught in this vicious cycle, here are some tips to ensure that your oral hygiene is taken care of:

  • Avoid eating junk and sugary foods that cause cavity and enamel erosion.
  • Stay away from smoking, alcohol and drugs that cause gum disease and oral cancer.
  • Brush your teeth twice a day and use mouthwash to rinse your mouth thoroughly.
  • Using dental floss is good for making sure that there is no plaque accumulation between your teeth.
  • Take a balanced and nutritious diet.
  • Visit the dentist regularly.

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