Weight Loss Story: “I Quit Eating White Rice and Potatoes and Lost 21kg” The Times of India

My breakfast: I eat 2-3 idlis with a glass of double toned milk.

My lunch: A bowl of lentils, steamed vegetables with just one chapati.

My dinner: Mostly salad or something like poha or upma.

Pre-workout meal: A cup of green tea with some healthy nuts and seeds.

Post-Workout Meal: 2 fruits (any kind), with a slice of brown bread if I get too hungry.

I indulge in (what you eat on your cheat days): I try not to indulge in cheat meals because I have lost weight without going to the gym. I have lost weight by exercising at home and making drastic changes in my eating habits. However, if I really feel the craving, I love to eat samosas!

Low-Calorie Recipes I Swear By: Indian tiffin items like poha, upma and idli are low in calories, made with less oil and you can add all kinds of vegetables to your preparation.


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