Wasn’t the full dose of the corona ticker complete? Entry into Bangladesh closed from these 11 countries

It is not possible to enter Bangladesh from 11 countries including Malaysia, Iran and Spain without…

Amid famine in Kolkata, 6 lakh doses of Kovishield are coming to the state on Tuesday

The Kovidshield vaccine is coming to the state after Kolkata Puranigam declared a vaccine crisis. Recently,…

Kovishield will be given in Kolkata on Monday, may be closed again from Tuesday

On Saturday afternoon 3.57 lakh doses of Covishield reached the state. After that, it was told…

Johnson & Johnson vaccine, a single dose of mill will also be given in India

This time too the dose of Johnson & Johnson vaccine will be given in India. The…

Third dose of corona vaccine will also be given, announced in 9 countries including Germany

Those who may have more symptoms of corona, will be given a third booster dose of…