Wasn’t the full dose of the corona ticker complete? Entry into Bangladesh closed from these 11 countries

It is not possible to enter Bangladesh from 11 countries including Malaysia, Iran and Spain without a full dose of the Kovid vaccine. New restrictions have been imposed by the Civil Aviation Authority

As a result, travelers from Argentina, Botswana, Cuba, Cyprus, Eswatini (Swaziland), Georgia, Iran, Libya, Malaysia, Mongolia and Spain will not be able to enter Bangladesh without a full dose of the COVID-19 vaccine. Bangladeshi nationals who have been vaccinated for Kovid-19 14 days before departure from these countries will be able to return home. However, after returning, they will have to stay in home quarantine for 14 days. Migrant workers in these countries can return to the country with special permission from the Ministry of External Affairs.

There are also guidelines for travel to Bangladesh from Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, France, Iraq, Ireland, Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan, Namibia, the Netherlands, Panama, South Africa, Thailand, Tunisia and the United Kingdom. If passengers have received a full dose of the COVID-19 vaccine 14 days before departure, they should be in a mandatory institutional quarantine at their own expense. After arrival in the country, if anyone shows any symptoms, he/she will be sent to a government hospital for treatment. Travelers will be put in strict institutional quarantine at their own expense without taking the full dose of the vaccine, for 14 days in a government-designated hotel or establishment. would stay. According to the Civil Aviation Authority (CAA), passengers from these countries will also be able to take transit in countries under restrictions.

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