Release the Waitity Cut: Fans demand extended versions of Thor Love and Thunder, here’s everything

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Image Source: Instagram/ThorOfficials Thor 4 Poster

‘Thor: Love and Thunder’ has finally hit the theaters. Reportedly, there are calls for ‘#ReleaseTheWaititiCut’ among some viewers who want to see an expanded version of the Marvel Cinematic Universe entry. However, director Taika Waititi seems to have no such interest. “I was thinking about the director’s cut,” Waititi told New Musical Express.

“I watch director’s cuts from a lot of other directors. They suck. Director’s cuts aren’t good. Directors need to be controlling sometimes and if I say, ‘Ah you want to see my director’s cut’ ?It’s four and a half hours long!’ Four-and-a-half hours is not good.”

As Variety reports, “There are so many cup-of-tea breaks out there, you don’t even have to stop.”

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Exploring the possibility of alternate cuts of blockbuster films has become an essential exercise among online fanbases in recent years, fueled by an expanded version of Zack Snyder’s DC Comics team-up “Justice League,” which featured a largely derivative The 2017 release was reworked and enhanced. Reshot footage and scenes that were excluded from the original release.

Variety reports that the new version, titled Zack Snyder’s Justice League, was released for HBO Max in the spring of 2021, receiving a very enthusiastic response from audiences.

Now, it has become a common practice that fans have to shout for cuts in director’s films. Some fans called for the director’s cut of 2016’s “Suicide Squad,” which was directed by David Ayer.

Even though Waititi was ruling out the possibility of a ‘waitity cut’ of Thor: Love and Thunder, the filmmaker shared some thoughts on what his extended cut of the film would look like.

“I’d say there would probably be a few more jokes in my cut,” he explained.

“Some scenes can be removed but as I always say, a scene is removed because it is not big enough to be in the movie.”

“I think the Deleted Scenes section on DVDs, not that they use them anymore, should just be a list of scenes and no links so you can’t click on them!”