Odisha Police seized 10 kg brown sugar this year – Bhaskar Live Hindi News

Bhubaneswar, 9 October | The Commissionerate of Police in Odisha has seized around 10 kg of brown sugar during the first 10 months (till Saturday) of the current year, 2021, a police official said on Saturday.

Commissioner of Police Soumendra Priyadarshi said, “We have seized more than 10 kg of brown sugar till date in 2021. 5.66 kg of brown sugar was seized in Bhubaneswar urban district, while 4.646 gm of banned material was seized in Cuttack.”

At least 33 cases related to the crime have been registered and 67 people arrested in Bhubaneswar. He said so far 11 cases have been registered in Cuttack and 30 people have been arrested.

The seizure of narcotics by the Police Commissionerate is the highest in any police district in Odisha in a year. He said last year 34 kg of brown sugar was confiscated across the state.

The Commissioner of Police said that in Bhubaneswar, under Operation White Spider, which was launched on August 15, 2021, a total of 37 drug peddlers have been arrested and 1.75 kg of brown sugar seized.

Speaking about Saturday’s seizure, Priyadarshi said that the police conducted a raid on the outskirts of the city this morning and seized 260 grams of brown sugar. He told that the accused Murnal Samal has been arrested.

“Apart from taking strong action against such illegal drug trade, we are also aiming at rehabilitating those arrested in such cases with an aim to end the vicious cycle of drug trafficking in the Twin Cities,” he added. have to do,” he said.

Source: IANS