International Yoga Day 2023: 5 Daily Yoga Asanas For A Healthy Life

Every year on June 21, International Yoga Day is celebrated all over the world. It serves as a platform to raise awareness about the myriad benefits of yoga and to promote a holistic approach to physical, mental and spiritual well-being. The concept of International Day of Yoga was introduced by Prime Minister Narendra Modi during his address to the United Nations General Assembly in 2014. Since then, yoga has gained immense popularity around the world due to its ability to increase flexibility, strength, balance and overall fitness.

The theme of Yoga Day this year is ‘Yoga for Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam’ i.e. ‘One World – One Family’ for the welfare of all. It emphasizes on the spirit of Yoga, which takes everyone along. Like every time, this time also programs related to yoga will be organized in every corner of the country.

Yoga is not only beneficial for mental health problems but also for overall well-being. Regular yoga practice reduces stress and improves symptoms of anxiety and depression. After the pandemic, yoga has shown remarkable results in reducing the symptoms of anxiety and depression. It helps in emotional management, improving mood and clarity of mind and also highlights the connection between mind and body.

Also Read: International Yoga Day 2023: Date, Theme, Significance, History And Celebrations Around The World


International Day of Yoga is an annual event celebrated across the world on 21 June. It provides a platform for individuals from many cultures and communities to unite in the appreciation and practice of yoga. The day provides an opportunity to spread awareness about the mental, physical and spiritual benefits of yoga through a number of events. These events include yoga classes, workshops, talks and cultural performances.

benefits of yoga

Yoga is beneficial for physical, mental and emotional well-being. It enhances flexibility, strength and balance. The postures (asanas) in yoga increase the mobility of the joints, the tone of the muscles and the general strength of the body. It also helps with posture and alignment. Practicing yoga regularly can help you sleep better. It encourages positive thinking, reduces stress and increases self-awareness.

Here are five yoga asanas you can practice at home to live a healthier and more enjoyable life:


Sukhasana, also known as easy pose or “pose of rest”, is a seated pose in yoga. It’s a simple cross-legged pose that provides a stable and comfortable platform for meditation, breathing exercises, and light stretching. It can help calm the mind, reduce lower back pain and stiffness, and improve overall posture.

Anulom Vilom

Anulom Vilom (Alternate Nasal Breathing) helps to balance the flow of energy in the body. By practicing it regularly, you can improve your breathing capacity, increase oxygen intake and remove toxic energy from the body. It also encourages a state of relaxation, mental clarity and focus. This may be especially beneficial for individuals with respiratory conditions such as asthma.


Balasana, aka Child’s Pose, is a gentle relaxation pose that offers many benefits for both body and mind. By sitting back on the heels with knees wide, Balasana stretches the hips, thighs and ankles. It helps to relieve tightness in these areas, especially after prolonged sitting or physical activity. It can be practiced at any time during a yoga session to pause, recharge, and regain energy.


Bhujangasana, a cobra pose, is an excellent pose for improving the flexibility and strength of the spine. This is an inclined backbend pose that strengthens and stretches your spinal muscles and increases blood flow, especially to the reproductive organs and spinal cord area. It helps you connect with your breath, body, and the sensations you experience during the pose. It is important to practice Bhujangasana with proper alignment and keeping in mind the limitations of your body.


This yoga asana is deeply relaxing and rejuvenating. It consists of lying flat on your back, resting your arms at your sides, palms facing up, and legs spread comfortably apart. The purpose of this asana is to achieve complete relaxation both physically and mentally and to reduce tension, anxiety and fatigue in the body. The goal of the practitioner is to completely release and surrender, for this give yourself enough time for Shavasana.

Celebrate Yoga Day with ease this year.