If the child has fever, then know: Expert said – In infected children, symptoms like high fever and shivering are showing, it is not necessary to go to taste and smell

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  • COVID 19 Infected Children | Teenagers witness high fever, shiver. expert at omicron

New Delhi36 minutes ago

Symptoms like high fever and shivering are being seen in children infected with Kovid-19. Pediatrician Dr. Dhiren Gupta gave this information at Sir Ganga Ram Hospital in Delhi on Sunday. They also reported that, unlike the Delta variant, loss of taste and smell is not common in Omicron patients.

Some children need to be hospitalized
Dr. Gupta, who is treating Kovid-19 infected children, said, ‘Children and adolescents between the ages of 11 and 17 years who are infected with coronavirus are showing symptoms of high fever and shivering. These symptoms are also visible in children less than two years of age. Some of them even have to be hospitalised.

Dr. Gupta said, ‘I have treated about nine infants infected with COVID-19, of which one has required ventilation support. Babies need hospitalization due to high fever like other patients.

Infection severity lower in adults than in Delta
He explained that the severity of infection in adults is less than that of the delta variant of the coronavirus, while the same cannot be said for infants. Dr. Gupta said, ‘According to my experience, children below two years of age who belong to the high risk group, the severity of infection is almost similar to the delta variant.

Virus affecting the upper respiratory tract
Regarding the Omicron variant of Covid-19, he said, ‘This time, we have found that the virus mainly affects the upper respiratory tract of the patient. Therefore, the infection shows symptoms like cold, headache, runny nose. Fever also comes along with shivering.

Complaint of loss of smell and taste in 2-3 out of 10 patients
Comparing the symptoms of coronavirus infection during the second wave, Dr Gupta said, ‘Unlike the second wave, loss of taste and smell is not very common in Omicron patients. Only 2-3 out of 10 patients are complaining of loss of smell and taste.

Symptoms less severe in vaccinated people
The health expert also said that ‘Omicron symptoms are less severe in vaccinated and healthy people than in those who have not been vaccinated.’ He said, ‘So far I have met three patients who have pneumonia. He was given steroids for treatment.

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