How to take care of your twins in the early weeks

Taking care of a newborn can be extremely stressful. Apart from recovering from delivery, the mother also has to ensure that the baby is fed on time, is well rested and develops in a healthy manner. Despite this, the stress doubles when you are responsible for not one, but two newborn babies. Having two kids on the go means moms-to-be have to juggle schedules for both kids. Most new parents get just a little bit of sleep, that too while their baby is asleep.

Is it normal to have difficulty dealing with twins?

The difficulty goes double with twin care. It is difficult for new parents to get the help they need because they must balance the baby’s sleeping and eating routine along with the obligations. It is very common for parents to struggle with newborn twins, and taking care of them can be a daunting endeavor. With this in mind, it is better to seek help from family, friends, or even professionals, or a combination of all three. You must understand that your physical and mental health must be in order for you to be functional.

Here are some tips to help you take care of your twins.

Start with a schedule.

To avoid those stressful early weeks with twins, aim to get both babies on the same feeding and bedtime routine as soon as possible. When both kids are taking a nap, it can provide you with some much-needed downtime. This will result in you being a calmer, more relaxed parent. Otherwise, you will be feeding your offspring one after the other, which can be exhausting.

Don’t buy doubles of everything.

Getting two of everything is a frequent error made by most twin parents. However, every child is unique and may not appreciate everything that another does. Buying less will help you save money in the long run, as well as make it easier to recognize how diverse your babies are.

twin carrier

It will be difficult for you to carry both your babies at the same time. As a result, consider purchasing a double stroller for your night outings or other leisurely pastimes. You can also use a double stroller to carry all the luggage of the twins.

Ask for help

Don’t be afraid to ask for help; Taking care of twins is difficult. You can enlist the help of someone you know and trust, such as a family member, friend or neighbor. If your parents agree, you might want to ask them to come inside for the first few months for support.

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