High blood sugar: Debunking 5 common myths about diabetes

high blood sugar: About 77 million Indians have diabetes, and it is estimated that about 57 percent of adults are undiagnosed. It is important to gain a thorough awareness of these little-known facts so that people with diabetes and their caregivers can gain a better understanding of the chronic disease and how to best manage their health.

“Nearly three-quarters of India’s diabetic population have uncontrolled blood sugar levels, and half of them show poor blood pressure control,” said Hanish Gupta, physician and cardiologist at Life Aid Hospital in Delhi. In addition, at least one -Third of them have increased cholesterol and lipids. Common causes of these metabolic abnormalities include non-adherence to treatment, lack of doctor visits and lack of awareness about the long-term consequences of poorly managed diabetes.”

Here are five common myths about diabetes to de-bunk:

Myth 1: Sugar alone causes diabetes

Fact: Diabetes is a complex condition involving many factors. These include being overweight or obese, leading a sedentary lifestyle, having an unhealthy diet, and more. It may also be related to genetic factors, such as a family history of diabetes. While people with diabetes are often advised to control their sugar intake, eating too much sugar alone does not cause diabetes.

However, even then, be mindful of your sugar consumption – moderation is the key. A diet high in sugar can mean high calories, which can contribute to weight gain and consequently increase your risk of diabetes. Overall, try to choose low glycemic index options and foods high in fiber to achieve the right balance.

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Myth 2: Diabetes can be cured

Fact: While in rare cases diabetes is reversible, in most cases, diabetes once it develops, is a life-long condition. But living with diabetes doesn’t have to be scary. There are various ways to effectively manage the condition. With proper adherence to prescribed medication and dietary and lifestyle modifications, as well as monitoring of one’s glucose levels, people with diabetes can live full lives. By discussing with a doctor which diabetes management approach works best in individual cases, people can achieve their target glucose range and achieve optimal health.

Myth 3: Diabetes only affects the body’s blood sugar levels

Fact: Diabetes is a chronic condition that affects how the body uses blood sugar. However, diabetes can affect more than just glucose levels. Research shows that the condition – especially when uncontrolled – can lead to other related complications, such as an increased risk of problems related to the heart, eyes, kidneys, nerves or feet. This makes it even more important to manage diabetes promptly. It is also advised for people with diabetes to have regular health check-ups and keep a track of their overall health to identify and address any problems promptly.

Myth 4: Some types of diabetes are milder than others

Fact: While there are different categories of diabetes, such as type-1 and type-2 and gestational (being pregnant), these cannot be defined as mild or severe. In all types of diabetes, uncontrolled cases can lead to serious, long-lasting complications. Despite this, people with diabetes can live healthier, better lives with proper diabetes management, regardless of type.

Myth 5: Diabetes can be completely controlled with diet and lifestyle changes alone

Fact: While reducing your intake of certain foods that raise your blood sugar and adopting a healthy fitness routine are important steps for managing diabetes, it doesn’t mean that these steps alone can completely control their condition for all people with diabetes. Will be enough to manage with.

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Abhijit Pednekar, Medical Affairs Director, Abbott India said, “Diabetes management is an ongoing process, which needs to be holistic and individualised. It includes dietary and lifestyle changes, adherence to prescribed medication and regular glucose monitoring, which together can help individuals manage diabetes. By achieving better control of one’s glucose levels, people can live healthier, fuller lives.”

By understanding the facts about the condition, it can make the care journey less complicated. Following medical guidance and working with doctors to understand what works best for individual situations can empower people to better manage their diabetes.