Healthy eating: Go beyond New Year’s resolution, make it a everyday habit – here’s how

It’s that time of year again when many people try to make New Year’s resolutions, from going to the gym every day to eating healthier. Some people swear by hitting the gym five times a week, while others experiment with new diets to drop significant amounts of weight. While these goals are wonderful and there is nothing wrong with them, we all know that these resolutions rarely stick. We all start the year with lofty goals that are difficult to achieve.

As we all know, our habits dictate our behaviors, which makes it even more important to develop positive habits that will benefit us over time. How does one reach one’s goals? Before starting a strict diet plan, it is important to start carefully and carefully. Small changes in your daily life involving healthy eating habits can help you achieve your goals significantly.

So, here are some New Year tips from Chickentrix CEO Shilpa Khanna Thakkar to keep you motivated:

– Choose general healthy eating habits over specific diets. Taking this as a practice makes it easily attainable and better for your overall well-being.

– Plan your meals! Think again if you are at work and go out for lunch and have a snack or some coffee afterwards. Making a conscious effort to pack a lunch and snack makes it easier to control your eating habits and it’s even cheaper in the long run.

Go grocery shopping every weekend and buy snacks and food items for the next five days. This may include yogurt, nuts, fruits, vegetables, etc. When making dinner, make a few extra servings for the next few days. Try saving and reusing leftovers when you’re too busy to cook.

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– Track your progress and achievements with non-food rewards like reading a new book or seeing a new movie. Celebrating our victories is essential, as it shows us what we are achieving and motivates us to achieve more.

– Share your goal with others. It not only helps you get useful tips but also shows you that you are not alone in your journey towards good health and allows you to share your progress with others.

In addition to healthy eating habits, another popular resolution during the New Year is to get more exercise. However, coming up with a goal of “going to the gym every day of the week” is quite unrealistic, especially for someone who doesn’t exercise. Regularly. So, it’s easier to set a small goal, such as taking a daily walk, and then slowly build on it. Your resolution to eat better also needs to be implemented,” Shilpa Khanna Thakkar said.

Let’s not forget the true essence of New Year’s resolutions – making a positive change in your health and quality of life. They don’t have to be extreme life changes, but just reasonable health goals that become part of your lifestyle in order to make a positive impact. The cycle of unhealthy eating habits and unrealistic diets needs to be broken! When built, these conscious habits not only enhance your quality of life but also keep you healthier and happier.