Exclusive: Ginger from Gilori – Foods that help manage Hepatitis according to Ayurveda

New Delhi: Hepatitis is the most well-known of the many disorders that can affect the liver. Some well-known hepatitis infections that affect the liver are hepatitis A, B, C, D and E. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), in India by 2020, around 40 million people were infected with hepatitis B, and 6 million to 12 million people were chronically infected with hepatitis C. Every 30 seconds one person dies in the world from a disease related to hepatitis.

Hepatitis is classified as acute if it lasts less than six months and chronic if it lasts more than six months. Some types of hepatitis can be treated without irreversible liver damage. Other forms can last for years, causing liver scarring (cirrhosis) and, in the worst case, loss of liver function (liver failure), which can be fatal. Types B and C, in particular, cause chronic disease and are the leading cause of liver cirrhosis and cancer.

Mr. Vikas Chawla, Founder & Director, Veda Cure Shares foods that can help maintain your liver health.

“Ayurveda uses the term Kamala to represent a broad spectrum of liver diseases including hepatitis. Kamala is a major pitta dosha disease of the blood vessels (a system that includes the liver, spleen, blood vessels and reticuloendothelial tissue). Kamala is caused by the dysfunction of pitta dosha and rakta dhatu,” shares Mr. Chawla.

Hepatitis treatment with Ayurveda

Pitta gets aggravated due to poor eating habits and a sedentary lifestyle, which affects blood formation and agni, resulting in various diseases like hepatitis.

Mr Chawla revealed that the approach of Ayurveda medicine is to rectify vitiated pitta dosha and agni, which are treated through diet, minor modifications in daily routine and herbal medicine.

bitch: It is used as a liver tonic as it reduces fat in the liver and has anti-inflammatory properties. It increases the digestive fire and helps in other pitta related problems.

BHUMI AAMLA: Its anti-inflammatory properties prevent inflammation of the liver, but it also acts as a deepana (spark of the digestive fire), improves appetite and balances kapha and pitta doshas.

help: It acts as a detoxifier by removing toxins from the body. It controls liver enzymes and reduces inflammation, and balances pitta dosha.

Guduchi (Giloy): Its antiviral properties are particularly beneficial in the treatment of hepatitis. It has anti-inflammatory properties, is high in antioxidants, aids in the removal of toxins from the body, keeps liver enzymes working properly, and boosts immunity.

Triphala: It is a combination of three herbs: amla, bhibhitak, and harikataki, and is one of the most effective remedies for fatty liver as it controls the enzymatic functions of the liver, lowering the level of harmful cholesterol in the blood and has anti-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory properties. -Oxidant effect.

BHRINGRAJ: It also has anti-inflammatory and detoxifying properties, and the ability to regenerate liver cells.

Pit Papara: It can also help with pitta imbalance. Due to its cooling power, it reduces the problem of bleeding. It can be used as an external paste to treat itching and burning.

Ginger: It helps in reducing fat in fatty liver and improves the function of liver enzymes.


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