Essential Medical Tests To Take In 30s And 40s For Optimal Health

It is important to make our health a top priority by practicing prevention and going to regular doctor's appointments.

It is important to make our health a top priority by practicing prevention and going to regular doctor’s appointments.

As we age, our bodies go through a variety of changes and are more vulnerable to specific health problems. Take a look at several medical tests that people in their 30s and 40s should definitely get done

As we grow older, our body goes through many changes and becomes prone to certain health problems. It is essential to make our health a priority by taking preventive measures and undergoing regular medical check-ups. Regular check-ups and timely tests can help identify health concerns and take appropriate action to manage them. People with a family history of health issues like cancer, heart disease and blood pressure should take special care and go for regular check-ups. Take a look at some of the health check-ups that you should definitely get done in your 30s and 40s.

Tests after reaching the age of 30:

  1. Blood pressure and cholesterol tests – It is important to have regular blood pressure and cholesterol tests to monitor for any signs of an increased risk of heart disease.
  2. Thyroid Function Test – This test helps to detect any thyroid disorders that may cause weight gain, dementia, arthritis, hair loss, and other symptoms.
  3. Cardiac check-up – Frequent medical check-ups are necessary to see how healthy the heart is and to detect any signs of heart disease at the earliest.
  4. Screening for sexually transmitted infections – Getting tested for sexually transmitted infections frequently is important to detect any health problems that may cause problems in the future if they are not treated.
  5. Cancer Screening – Based on family history and other factors, cancer screening tests should be done regularly.

Read also: What are cataracts? Know the types, symptoms and treatment

Test after reaching the age of 40:

  1. Lipid Profile – A lipid profile test helps assess the level of cholesterol in the blood and detect any signs that may increase the risk of heart disease.
  2. Eye exams – Regular eye exams help detect vision problems, cataracts, or other eye conditions that may develop with age.
  3. Diabetes test – This test helps to detect any signs of high blood sugar level, which can increase the risk of diabetes.
  4. Mammogram – Women should get mammograms done from time to time to detect any signs of breast cancer.
  5. Dental Exams – Frequent visits to the dentist can help rule out gum disease, cavities or other problems and maintain good oral health.

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