Christmas 2022: Time To Log Off! Try These Tips to Detox Your Digital Space

Last Update: December 24, 2022, 18:37 IST

Christmas 2022: Take a trip to a place that is serene and surrounded by natural beauty.  (Representational Image: Shutterstock)

Christmas 2022: Take a trip to a place that is serene and surrounded by natural beauty. (Representational Image: Shutterstock)

Merry Christmas 2022: This Christmas let’s focus on the people who matter. Start a digital detox and live in the moment to make the most of the Christmas holidays

Merry Christmas 2022: It is an undeniable fact that technology has entered every aspect of our lives. From communicating with people to shopping online, making reservations, paying bills, etc. There is nothing that can be done from where you are sitting at this moment. Although technology has connected us to the whole world, it has in a way cut us off from the people who matter most to us.

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We are so engrossed in browsing through our social media feeds that we tend to ignore the people sitting right next to us. This Christmas let’s focus on the people who matter. Begin the digital detox and live in the moment to make the most of the Christmas holidays.

lock your gadgets away

The best way to stay away from your gadgets is to lock them up. Yes, turning off notifications also helps, but if you are fond of using a mobile phone or laptop, then you will agree. If you don’t have a gadget, your chances of submitting will be less than zero.

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get off social media

You don’t need to share every moment of your life on social media. Sharing too much online can keep you busy, and you may miss out on fun things happening around you. Take a few days off from social media to stay on point.

OTT break

With so much content available around us, the time we spend on OTT platforms has suddenly increased. Any new web series or film can wait for a few days as Christmas 2022 will not happen again. Make full use of the time with your family in the festive season.

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focus on the positive

Technology has become the default in our lives. Being without our phones and other gadgets can make us feel anxious, frustrated and stressed. This may sound like a punishment. But you should try to re-frame the emotional challenges in your mind. Have a more positive outlook and view experiences as rewards.

take a holiday

Take a trip to a place that is serene and surrounded by natural beauty. If there are certain calls you just can’t avoid, like your boss, customers, and more, allow their notifications when your phone is set to Do Not Disturb.

Here’s wishing you a Merry Christmas!

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