Brain teaser: Who is June named after? Can You Answer the 10 Basic GK Questions?

For most of the competitive exams, preparation of General Knowledge (GK) is a must as there is GK section in most of the competitive exams like Bank, SSC, Railway, Civil Services etc. Therefore, its preparation is necessary to ensure success in government jobs. Here we have come up with 10 such objective type GK questions from subjects like History, Art & Culture, Environment, etc. Politics etc which can help you in your preparation for competitive exams.

1. Where is the Buxwaha Forest in India?
(a) Karnataka
(b) Madhya Pradesh
(C) Maharashtra
(d) Uttar Pradesh
Answer (b) Madhya Pradesh

2. Which country is included in OPEC?
(a Libyan
(b) Algeria
(c) Nigeria
Answer (d) All of the above

3. By whom is the exoskeleton suit made for the Indian Army?
(a) DRDO
(b) Hali
(c) DPP
(d) AFMC
Answer- (a) DRDO

4. After whom is the month of June named?
(a) the planet Jupiter
(b) Titan Atlas
(c) the Roman goddess Juno
(d) none of these
Answer- (D) none of these

5. Which of the following freedom fighter was sent to Kala Pani for 50 years?
(A) Dadabhai Naoroji
(b) Veer Savarkari
(c) Motilal Nehru
(D) Bal Gangadhar Tilak
Answer- (B) Veer Savarkar

6. Where did Mahavir take his last breath?
(a) Rajgriha:
(b) Kundagram
(C) Vaishali
(d) Magadha
Answer- (A) Rajgriha

7. Who was the first Tirthankara of Jainism?
(a) Rishabhanathi
(B) Parshvanath
(C) Adinath
(d) Ajit
Answer- (A) Rishabhnath

8. Who is the author of the book ‘Fearless Governance’?
(a) Amit Shah
(b) Kiran Vedic
(c) Shashi Tharoor
(d) Manish Sisodia
Answer- (B) Kiran Vedic

9. Which country has abolished compulsory death penalty?
(a) Saudi Arabia
(b) Malaysia
(c) Indonesia
(d) United Arab Emirates
Answer- (B) Malaysia

10. How much prize money does the Wimbledon champion (women and men) get?
(a) 2 million
(b) 1 million
(c) 4 million
(d) 3 million
Answer- (a) 2 million

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