Apple WWDC 2023 Keynote Live Updates: Tim Cook To Launch Apple’s Next Big Gadget Today

Apple WWDC 2023 will begin on Monday, June 5 with the all-important keynote, hosted by Apple CEO Tim Cook and his team of executives. The keynote begins at 10:30 PM IST and you can catch all the updates with Apple’s YouTube page or follow News18 Tech Blog to get details of the big announcements.

This year’s WWDC keynote is expected to be a packed edition with multiple products and developer-focused software. Apple is expected to announce new iOS, iPadOS, macOS and watchOS versions for iPhone, iPad, Mac and Apple Watch respectively.

There is a possibility of getting some new features in the new iOS version which will make the iPhone even better. Similarly, you have iPad and Mac software with better use cases. Apple Watch may get a new interface and support for widgets may also return. And if that wasn’t enough, you have the new MacBooks, more importantly the all-new 15-inch MacBook Air is expected to join the lineup of others. But, Apple’s event is unlikely to end there.

The much-anticipated mixed reality headset from the company and its accompanying software will also be unveiled and showcased at the keynote, according to multiple reports. The company has also set up a demo zone for the product, where people with any health condition have health warnings to avoid using the device.

The new XR headset is rumored to cost a whopping $3000, which has already been criticized internally by Apple employees. But Tim Cook thinks the product is ready, and the whole world is eager to see what the fuss is all about and so are we.

So, get ready for the WWDC 2023 keynote this year as the curtains open for the big showcase at the Steve Jobs Theatre.