Adah Sharma: I have so many personalities that I don’t need to be someone else – Times of India

Adah Sharma | Undoubtedly one of the fittest actors in the industry. She participates in mallakhamb and sharpshooting training and follows a routine where she does handstands, silambam sticks and surya namaskar. In an exclusive interview with ETimes, the actress talked about the importance of being fit all the time.

“I would attribute it to not eating animals and trying to stay positive. It is important to stay fit all the time. If you can stay healthy and make it your lifestyle then you will be fit despite the ups and downs. Whenever I do any activity – yoga, mallakhamb, silambam people ask me why. what are the benefits? I wish more people did Health Activities for the Love of It. To keep your body healthy and then the mind also follows. Don’t just think about how it will benefit you,” she said.

When asked what fashion is to her—following trends, comfort or experimentation, she replied, “Honestly, fashion in real life for me is freedom. I can do whatever I want without policing. I enjoy it.” Of course, in movies we follow a character and I enjoy following him too. In real life, fashion can be art, it can be fun. It also helps that I have a Have a very loyal fanbase who appreciates all the crazy things I do. Some validation is always good. I’m lucky enough to have a loyal audience that really stands out and if anyone knows anything about me He fights online trolls if he says negative too. It’s very touching. They don’t even know me. I call them Ada’s army.”

She further elaborated, “Since I was a kid, I used to wear and do what I loved. It didn’t matter if people thought I was weird because I was talking to a dog or wearing pants. When I decided to do films, people told me to dress and behave a certain way, so in the beginning I tried very hard to be like everyone else. But then I realized that whenever I was myself, people liked me more. I used to like myself more. So I went with him. Adah has so many personalities, so I don’t need anyone else to be there.”

When Adah Sharma is not working, what does she like to do the most? “I love being in nature. I love playing the piano, watching movies, doing regular things everyone else does and then I fly away when no one is watching,” concludes Ada.


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