Does COVID-19 cause erectile dysfunction and can home remedies cure it?

let's talk sex

Sex may be pervasive in our popular culture, but conversations about it are still associated with stigma and shame in Indian homes. As a result, most individuals dealing with sexual health issues or trying to find information about sex often resort to unverified online sources or follow unscientific advice from their friends.

To dispel widespread misinformation about sex, is running this weekly sex column titled ‘Let’s Talk Sex’ every Friday. We hope to start the conversation about sex and address sexual health issues with scientific insight and nuance through this column.

The column is being written by Sexologist Prof (Dr) Summary Jain. In today’s column, Dr. Jain addresses erectile dysfunction (ED) after COVID-19 and explains the reasons it causes.

There is no conclusive evidence to prove that there is a causal link between erectile dysfunction and COVID-19. However, in some cases, patients experience erectile dysfunction during their COVID infection or in their longer COVID period.

While researchers are working towards understanding the relationship between the two, experts claim that a combination of various factors that stem from COVID-19 leads to the possible onset of erectile dysfunction.

blockage of blood flow

One factor that causes erectile dysfunction is inflammation that occurs during or after a COVID infection. An overactive immune system that fights the virus leads to a state of hyper-inflammatory in many patients.

Hyperinflammation can cause small blood clots and inflammation of the endothelium – the lining of blood vessels, which can result in blood flow being disrupted, which is a key factor for buildup.

vascular effect

Erectile function is a predictor of heart disease, so we know that the vascular system and the reproductive system are linked. We also know that COVID-19 can cause excessive inflammation throughout the body, especially the heart and its surrounding muscles.

Therefore, a new or worsening vascular condition caused by a virus may block or narrow the blood supply to the penis, which can further lead to erectile dysfunction.

psychological effects

Sexual activity is closely related to mental health. In addition to physical conditions, stress, anxiety and depression caused by viruses and pandemics can also cause sexual dysfunction and a bad mood. Therefore, ED can be triggered by mental health issues such as depression, which adversely affects the patient’s self-image.

Along with physical health checkups, mental health support can help patients identify the cause of their erectile dysfunction.

overall decline in health

ED is usually a symptom of an underlying problem. Men in poor health have a higher risk of developing ED and having a severe reaction to COVID-19. Since viruses can cause many health problems, general ill health is a cause for concern.

So especially for young and healthy people who develop erectile dysfunction suddenly, and especially after having COVID-19, it could be a sign of something more serious.

Therefore, it is essential to seek medical attention in the early stages of erectile dysfunction, especially after COVID, rather than suffering silently for months.

Do natural remedies work?

Natural remedies are never a substitute for professional help. In many cases, erectile dysfunction may be at a stage where medical help is needed. Hence, it is never a good idea to rely only on natural remedies.

However, specific home remedies that can serve as an adjunct treatment for erectile dysfunction are food supplements rich in L-arginine such as pumpkin seeds, oats, brown rice and peanuts. People suffering from this condition can also take two teaspoons of ginger extract with honey thrice a day for two months.

Brisk walks play an important role, and exercises such as Kegels, which strengthen the muscles of the perineum, can also help. People can try eating drum stick flowers, ashwagandha, asparagus, walnuts and basil seeds in specific ways that will help with blood circulation and ultimately reduce the risk of ED.

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