कैंसर सर्वाइवर महिला अफसर की अनोखी कहानी: दर्द सहा, पर हिम्मत नहीं छोड़ी; धर्मशाला की SDM शिल्पी बेक्टा PHD और बैंक की नौकरी छोड़ HAS बनीं

Hospice9 hours ago

On the occasion of International Women’s Day, we are telling you the story of a female officer who suffered the pain of cancer but did not give up. Her name is SDM Shilpi Bekta of Dharamshala city of Kangra district of Himachal Pradesh, who is a breast cancer survivor.

Shilpi Bekta got breast cancer treated in time and today she is completely healthy. It has been 5 years since she had breast cancer. Due to lack of awareness about breast cancer, so that no other woman should suffer like her, Shilpi Bekta is making women aware of this disease through her experiences and is working to encourage breast cancer patients. .

Shilpi says that the most important thing is awareness about the disease. He had attended the awareness camp organized by Himachal government in the year 2018, in which he was told about body examination. During this I realized that there is an abnormal growth on the side. When I got tested, it came to know that I am suffering from breast cancer. Once upon hearing this, the senses were blown away.

Shilpi's mother is working in the bank.

Shilpi’s mother is working in the bank.

nothing is impossible if the mind is strong
Shilpi says that when I was suddenly diagnosed with cancer, the family was disappointed. Got treated at PGI Chandigarh. The family gave him the most support while battling the disease. Chemo, surgery and radiation are done during the treatment, due to which there is a lot of effect on the body. Physically, emotionally and psychologically as well, to recover from which he resorted to exercise, pranayama, yoga and meditation.

The loser of the mind, the winner of the mind, so until the mind is not strong, it is not clear, you will not be able to do anything. I believe that it will start with the mind, only then it will manifest. When he completely followed the treatment prescribed by the oncology team, his positive thinking was the main reason for his recovery from the disease. This is how I defeated cancer and after that took a vow to become an officer.

Shilpi is moving forward with a resolve to make people aware of cancer.

Shilpi is moving forward with a resolve to make people aware of cancer.

Cracked HAS exam without coaching
Shilpi Bekta left the job of PHD and Bank PO and chose the path of HAS to bridge the gap between public service and public administration. He cleared the HAS exam in the year 2012 without taking any coaching. She is a resident of Kotkhai in Shimla district. His father NC Bekta retired as Additional Commissioner of Excise Department.

Mother Kanta Bekta is working as a bank manager. Shilpi has earlier served as Development Block Officer in Nichar. Shilpi Bekta did her early education in a government school in Kullu district. Did 10th from private school in Dharamshala and 11th-12th from DAV Chandigarh. After this, after 5 years of Micro Biology Honors from Panjab University, enrolled in PHD in Delhi University.

Leaving PHD, prepared for HAS exam. Also got selected as PO in Canara Bank. Also worked in the bank for about 7 days. Meanwhile, after passing the HAS exam, after 6 months of training, Shilpi served as BDO in Nichar.

Shilpi's father is a retired officer.

Shilpi’s father is a retired officer.

women move forward by being educated
Shilpi says that women themselves are power. A woman takes care of the whole family, take care of herself too. While taking care of your family, don’t forget to take care of yourself. Take care of your mental balance, the upbringing of your children and what you can contribute to the society. Women are strong, don’t forget it. Study and follow the laws and rules.

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