Jwigato Box Office Collection Day 5: Kapil Sharma The starrer opened to rave reviews as it hit the theaters on March 17. However, the social drama witnessed a letdown in the first weekend. The film, directed by Nandita Das, also stars Shahana Goswami and clashed at the box office with the all-India film Kabzaa and Rani Mukerji’s Mrs Chatterjee vs Norway. While fans and critics appreciated the slice-of-life drama that brings into focus the world where survival is conditioned not on the hard work of food delivery agents but on the frivolous nature of customers, the same did not convert to B.O. The business was done.
zvigato box office report
The film is struggling at the box office. After registering a huge drop on Monday, the film continues to witness a downfall as it continues its decline. The 5th day numbers have not been announced yet.
About Zwigato
Set in Bhubaneswar, the story revolves around Manas and his wife Pratima (Shahana Goswami) played by Kapil Sharma and how they put together their body and soul to deal with the financial crisis. Showcasing the plight of a migrant couple in the post-Covid era, the film is Nandita Das’s take on the gig economy.
The slice of life film is about an ex-factory floor manager who loses his job during the pandemic. Later, he works as a food delivery rider, where he has to contend with the world of ratings and awards. Kapil is shown as a complete family man. He finds it difficult to spend time with his wife Shahana. Then, his wife works to support their family. He says that the organization expects him to pursue encouragement and be a good boy.
Meanwhile, Kapil Sharma had earlier said that he was influenced by the story of “Jwigato” because of his past experience. “I used to work at Coca-Cola. When we all come to Mumbai for the first time, we do odd jobs here and there. The product was transported in trucks. There were no apps then. But, when Nandita ma’am came up to me and told me about the hardships faced by the delivery men, I could relate to the story to a great extent.” Directed by Nandita Das, Sharma said he wanted to present aspects of his personality apart from the funny bones.