Yami Gautam: My family gets emotional that it took me almost 10 years to get a role like this in ‘A Thursday’ – Exclusive – Times of India

Actress yami gautam Riding on the success of his recently released film.a thursday, He played an intense character in the film and impressed the audience with his performance. She was seen in a never seen before avatar. Recently, ETimes caught up with the lady of the time in an exclusive chat and spoke about the success of her film. He also revealed why his family got emotional after seeing him in the film. He also spoke about its sequel and collaborating with NGOs that support rape victims. Part:

The film has got a great response. The audience is really shocked to see you playing such an intense role. How does it feel to see that praise is coming your way as well as successfully exceeding everyone’s expectations?Thanks a lot! Looks really good. We are very impressed. I said this earlier also, it was a small film, but maybe with the right intentions. And we were very passionate about taking the story forward and making a film with complete honesty and I think that’s what caught people. That’s the spirit that people, I think, really connected to, and I would give the audience a big round of thanks and gratitude for doing this because it wasn’t something that was spoken about so much, or so promoted or marketed. Wasn’t done too much. It was not that kind of film. But it’s the people who made it big and unforgettable for us and they really wrote it out loud even if you don’t have the biggest budget movies or the biggest marketing plans etc. or some of the biggest critics are praising you. Well, you can still survive and hold up well, so I’m very happy about that.

Now that the film is being appreciated by the audience, can we expect a sequel soon?If only I was the producer of the film (laughs).

Was there any discussion with the director?No, we didn’t have any conversations like that because we were focused on what we were building. It was not just like a project for us, we were very much into the film and gave everything to every frame. I remember because I have definitely shot for the film and I know every day how every day would look or feel on that set. So, no, it had nothing to do with the sequel or anything, that conversation was never there.

But did you have any second thoughts before taking up the film? Because your fans have always seen you do cheerful characters except ‘Uri’. So was there any doubt?

Absolutely not,
bilkul bhi nahi, I think fans and audience want to see what we can do as an actor, how do you keep shifting your gears as an actor. If they do, at least I’m sure people who see my work will want to see me in different roles, different roles every time. Because I come from that background. I want to do that. Yes, there was a time where I might have stuck in a bracket, but that time is long gone now. And today, I stand in a place where thankfully I have some opportunities that I can fully explore, and make it out there to do the kind of performance-oriented roles that I do. I want and the filmmakers can have faith in me. The audience can trust me. I had no doubt at all. Because I think whatever role you play… As in, I will do it. And I think if it’s done, well, people will accept it too. Because it has nothing to do with me, Yami, as a person. So it was very important for me to come out of it and wait for that role and that part. I think ‘Uri: The Surgical Strike’ started changing, ‘Saath Hua Hua’Bala’ Very differently where there was comedy and, again, the way the character takes a turn, and yes with “A Thursday,” it was like a total 360-degree makeover.

What has been the reaction of the family after seeing you in an intense character?He liked it and got very emotional. I have an emotional memory, not only of what the film was about, but also from the fact that it took me almost 10 years to get this kind of role, to do this kind of performance, to get this kind of opportunity. Went. me so tall So they got a little emotional thinking about the journey and everything that one goes through. So that was a very sweet, emotional family moment. I will remember

Recently, you collaborated with two NGOs to support your way…I think when it comes to issues related to women’s safety, this is something that I’m sure, in our hearts, we all have thought about, isn’t it? at some point. I think through this film, especially through ‘A Thursday’, through Naina, this was the time when I got an opportunity to collaborate with NGOs. I was looking for an opportunity or a platform where I could give my support, which shouldn’t be limited to just till the movie is running or having a ‘A Thursday’ conversation because if something moves you it should be there regardless anything if you want to do it. I was doing a lot of research, a lot of homework, you want to make sure that the NGOs you’re working with are very authentic, and they’re doing a really good job, whether in terms of educating them , empowering them, helping them with legal fees, and many such things, making women more and more aware and the whole idea is not to make anyone feel that you are not part of the society or the place you are in Come on, he isn’t at all. , Absolutely not. They are just like any one of us and we just want to make sure that in whatever capacity we can, you don’t need to be just an actor or a public figure to do so. It is not the responsibility of just one person… Whatever we can do to make it a better and more secure place in terms of human safety. I think it’s a privilege to be able to do something like this. I don’t think I can give anything, it’s the kind of feeling where it’s a matter of pride and privilege for me to do something not for him but with him. Nothing is greater than reason, there is no name greater than reason.