wrd: Accidents on the rise along Gulem stretch as WRD fails to repair pipeline | Goa News – Times of India

CANCONA: The monsoon season is often blamed for the numerous potholes that surface on roads across the state. However, at Chine Arc, Gulem in Canacona, two potholes have developed after the water resources department (WRD) failed to repair the loose joints of the connecting pipeline under the main road, that has resulted in leakage of water.
Citizens have pointed out that the potholes, which have remained unattended for more than a year, are posing as death traps for motorists, with several accidents taking place recently.
Two days ago, a scooterist lost control after hitting one of the potholes, and sustained serious head injuries. He is undergoing treatment at Goa Medical College and Hospital, Bambolimand is said to be battling for his life.
Residents said that motorists, and two-wheeler riders in particular, get confused after they reach the spot as they are unable to negotiate the potholes.
During the past one year, these potholes were initially small and negligible.
However, over the course of time, the depressions have increased in size and have now become puddles, thereby endangering the lives of motorists.
Some people told TOI that verbal complaints were given to the department concerned, but the officials are yet to act.
WRD had laid a water pipeline towards Devbhag across the road, and the joints of the pipeline loosened over time, resulting in huge wastage of water.
When TOI contacted WRD assistant engineer Dhananjay Nagvekarhe said that the joints were treated with the required material and that the potholes were covered with concrete, but this didn’t resolve the issue.
He said that a meeting will be held with the NH assistant engineer concerned to arrive at a permanent solution.
Residents said that last week, at least three to four tourists had a fall while trying to negotiate the potholes.
