World Autism Awareness Day 2023: What Is Autism Spectrum Disorder? Early Identification And Care

autism Awareness: World Autism Awareness Day (WAAD) aims to raise awareness of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and the challenges that individuals with ASD face every day. It is observed annually on 2 April to raise awareness about neurodevelopmental disease that impairs social and communication abilities.

The theme for this year’s World Autism Awareness Day is “Transforming the Narrative: Contributions at Home, Work, in the Arts and in Policy Making.”

This year’s theme aims to help autistic individuals regain their self-worth and dignity so that they can contribute fully to society.

What is self-centredness?

Autism is a neurological disease characterized by poor verbal communication abilities, repetitive behaviors, and hardly any interest in the outside world. Autism is a chronic neurological disorder that often appears in the early childhood years.

Autism spectrum conditions can cause speech delays or restricted verbal communication in both children and adults. Although the exact cause of autism is still unknown, some autistic individuals do have a genetic basis for their condition.

While some individuals have significantly impaired cognitive functioning, others are exceptionally gifted.

Autism, or autism spectrum disorder (ASD) as it is called because it varies widely in severity and symptoms from person to person.

early signs of autism in children

Early childhood is often when symptoms of ASD first appear. These early warning indicators can vary greatly from child to child and are not always visible. However, early detection and intervention are important to enhance the quality of life of the child. This can allow autistic children to get the right care and support.

Also read: World Autism Awareness Day 2023: Theme, significance, history and reason to celebrate – all you need to know about the neurological disorder

Signs and Symptoms of ASD

Repetitive behaviors may include: lining up toys, repeating certain words or phrases, obsessive interests, etc.

Restricted social communication and interaction skills and repetitive behavior are some of the signs and symptoms of ASD, avoiding eye contact, not responding to names by the age of 9 months, etc.

Important facts to know about autism

Boys are about four times more likely to develop ASD than girls.

Because autism is a spectrum condition, each child with it has unique talents, interests, and challenges.

There are contributing factors such as genes, brain development and environmental factors, however, there are no proven causes of ASD.

– Autism can be identified at the age of 2 or earlier.

– Early autism diagnosis enables children to get the care they need.

Autism cannot be “cured”, but it can be controlled with a number of treatments.

(This article is for informational purposes only and should not be considered a substitute for advice provided by qualified medical professionals.)