Women’s Day 2023: Keep These Clinical Conditions At Bay By Focusing On Your Strength

Staying healthy is a continuous journey. This is directly linked to a healthy and balanced diet which aids in good nutrition and optimal functioning of the body, especially for women. A sedentary lifestyle that involves extensive work and little or no exercise often leads to an increase in the number of health issues in women across all age groups. In fact, among the many roles they play, their bodies also undergo constant changes from childhood to puberty, motherhood and menopause, resulting in changes in their nutritional needs. As a result, women often forget to take care of their health.

This International Women’s Day, Dr. Sachin Pawar, Head, Medical Affairs, India Cluster P&G Health throws light on some of the most common clinical conditions that women suffer from, along with tips on how to recognize these symptoms and prevent them. sheds light on.

Iron Balanced Iron Intake for Women

There’s no denying that women are superheroes, and for that superhero to take charge of her health, she needs a sidekick – iron. Adequate iron intake is very important for the production of hemoglobin, which helps transport oxygen throughout the body. Unfortunately, women are most commonly deficient in iron, resulting in anemia. This deficiency can make you feel lethargic, tired and even depressed.

Early detection of iron deficiency is important to avoid complications, delayed growth and other problems in babies during pregnancy. Women are especially at risk of iron deficiency due to blood loss during menstruation, and perimenopausal women are at an even greater risk because they have less than the recommended dietary intake.[1], Since these symptoms are often misinterpreted, it becomes even more difficult to detect.

Maintaining a balanced nutrition is essential to ensuring adequate iron intake. To do this, consider including iron-rich foods like broccoli, spinach, meat, and dried fruits like raisins to keep your iron levels up. Additionally, iron supplements can also help replenish iron stores in the body.

nurture from within

More often than not, we take care of our skin and hair superficially as we believe that it only needs protection from external factors like pollution, ultraviolet rays, changing climate etc. While it is good to be aware of these factors, it is inevitable for the quality of our skin and hair to deteriorate over the years. Hence it is essential to take proactive measures to protect and restore our skin and hair from within.

For example, cells are essential for maintaining healthy skin and hair, as damage to cells can lead to the production of free radicals, which in turn can lead to chronic conditions.

In such cases, antioxidants like Vitamin E can be your favorite companion and prove to be extremely helpful as it helps fight free radicals. It not only helps in neutralizing free radicals but also provides nutrition to your cells thereby improving muscle health which keeps weakness and fatigue at bay. Including foods rich in vitamin E such as spinach, almonds, and wheat germ oil in your diet can prove beneficial. If keeping pace with your diet is difficult, oral supplements are an effective way to meet your required daily intake of vitamin E.

Build strong immunity for strong health

Our immune system is affected by many factors. Hence it is important that we always ensure adequate nutrition to strengthen our overall immunity as this in itself is the solution to many health problems. With our active and busy lifestyles, we often easily forget the importance of nourishing our bodies.

So, while you consume your daily dose of multivitamins through fresh fruits, vegetables and healthy fats like fish, avocados, nuts, olive oil etc., you can also include them in the form of nutritional supplements in your diet. which are equally beneficial. for your body.

make nerve health a priority

In addition to the many hats of responsibilities that women have to play, the prevalence of peripheral neuropathy poses an additional burden on them, sometimes even because of the high prevalence of diabetes cases and nutritional deficiencies. While taking care of our immune system is important to our overall well-being, taking care of our nervous health is also important. We often neglect this aspect of our health, believing that our bodies will take care of it themselves when in fact our external actions have a direct impact on our internal voluntary actions.

Peripheral neuropathy is characterized by signs and symptoms such as burning, tingling sensation or numbness in the extremities, hypersensitivity to touch, unsteady gait, history of falls, and the presence of pain or ulcers without any identifiable cause. This condition occurs due to damaged peripheral nerves, which further leads to a feeling of numbness and tingling in our hands and feet.

Previous research has indicated that diabetes mellitus is one of the major factors that lead to peripheral neuropathy. The same study also mentions how almost 50% of diabetic peripheral neuropathy patients do not show any symptoms of the condition, which is why it goes undiagnosed most of the time.[2], Therefore, it is important to pay attention to any possible warning signs in order to prevent further complications. Many times, experiencing these symptoms results in women not living up to their true potential.

Living a healthy lifestyle is important for our bodies to function at their best. Eating a balanced diet, taking supplements prescribed by a healthcare professional, and staying active are all necessary in the long run. This International Women’s Day, let’s make a commitment to recognize the warning signs of illness and seek timely medical treatment, as early diagnosis can help prevent further complications.

Come on, ladies, let’s put our health first and use these tips to make the most of all our travel adventures.

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