Why spinach should not be eaten in excess and people who should not consume it. The Times of India

Consuming a small bowl of spinach daily is not injurious to health nor does it have any side effects. Eating more spinach every day can start to affect your health in the following ways:

Nutrient deficiencies: Spinach contains oxalic acid, a naturally occurring compound in plants. When the amount of this compound in the body exceeds normal levels, it begins to affect the body’s ability to absorb other minerals. Oxalic acid binds with zinc, magnesium and calcium, which can lead to mineral deficiencies.

Allergies: The leafy green vegetable contains histamine, a chemical found in certain body cells that can cause minor pseudo-allergic effects in some cases.

Toxic reaction: Consuming too much spinach at one time or more than once can have toxic effects on the body.

Stomach problems: Gas, bloating and cramps due to the high fiber content, spinach can also cause stomach problems.
