What to eat and what not to eat while following the keto diet

If you are on a weight loss journey, then you must have heard about many diets for weight loss. The keto diet is high on that list. In this diet, a person chooses low-carb and high-fat things.

When a person reduces carbohydrates in their diet and replaces them with fats, the body reacts differently. Instead of extracting energy from carbohydrates, our body starts breaking down fats to provide energy to the body. However, one must follow the diet according to one’s body type, goals and health conditions. If you want to follow keto diet then keep in mind the dos and don’ts.

What to eat during keto diet?

  • eat green leafy vegetables

Green leafy vegetables are low in carbohydrates and rich in iron. You should consume cabbage, spinach, lettuce, kale and other green leaves.

Nuts are a great source of healthy fats. Walnuts, peanuts, almonds and groundnuts help satisfy hunger while providing the body with healthy fats.

Use healthy high-fat oils such as coconut oil and olive oil for your cooking. This is an effective way to incorporate healthy fats into your keto diet.

Cheese, cottage cheese, butter, and cream are all high in fat and protein as well. They can all be part of your keto diet and make it tastier.

What should be avoided during keto diet?

High sugar foods, be it ice cream or candies, should be avoided when you go on a keto diet. Sugar provides the body with high carbs which is totally against the idea of ​​keto diet.

Wheat, barley and whole grains, in general, are high in carbohydrates that are not at all advisable during a keto diet.

Vegetables that are rich in carbs and starch are a strict no-no. So keep potatoes, sweet potatoes and corn off your grocery list.

Packaged beverages like juices and cold drinks are high in sugar which is not good for keto diet.

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