What If review: New animated MCU show explores the endless possibilities of the multiverse

what if…?

Cast: Jeffrey Wright, Haley Atwell, Sebastian Stan, Chadwick Boseman, Tom Hiddleston, Jeremy Renner, Samuel L. Jackson

Director: Brian Andrews

The Marvel Cinematic Universe’s seamless transition to Phase 4 began earlier this year with WandaVision, followed by The Falcon and the Winter Soldier, Loki and Black Widow. Marvel Studios changed its storytelling format in this era to include both films and series, and the shows released so far have received considerable critical acclaim. Now, Marvel has released the fourth series from its exciting line-up and the show is unlike anything we’ve seen before.

Titled What If, this new animated series explores the endless possibilities of the multiverse, which was set at the end of Loki. Now that the Multiverse is officially forming, What If talks about the decisions and actions that led to a different timeline from what we’ve already seen in the MCU. For example, in the first episode of the show we see Margaret ‘Peggy’ Carter take Supersoldier Serum instead of Steve Rogers and she becomes Captain Carter instead of Captain America. Captain Carter not only has to face Hydra and the Nazis, he also has to face sexism in the military for being the only woman ‘in the room’ during World War II.

Then we have Prince T’Challa of Wakanda, who is accidentally kidnapped by Yondu instead of Peter Quill, and becomes Star Lord. Black Panther’s legacy changes at that point, and Guardians of the Galaxy has a different destiny. Similarly, we see the possibility of an unknown serial killer targeting members of Nick Fury’s Shield. If successful, this development has the potential to transform the Avengers initiative as we know it.

What If, like other MCU shows we’ve seen this year, starts off with a bang. Right from the very first episode, the show takes what is expected of it, and turns it into a very different outcome. What If not only exceeded expectations, but it also makes you curious about what else could have happened in the multiverse.

What If is tied together by the Watcher, an all-visible narrator of billions of universes. He can only see that things take their course but he cannot and will not interfere, no matter what happens. The Watcher is played by famed actor Jeffrey Wright, which makes the character sound like an immortal everlasting being. Several other MCU stars have reprized their roles as well, making The Watcher feel like a mini recap of the past decade. However, it is also disappointing that some of the big stars did not reprise their roles and were cast again. While the makers have hinted at conflicting schedules, it looks like the actors who appeared in Marvel projects in Phase 4 will be reprising their roles for the show.

One of the high points of the series was hearing Chadwick Boseman play a different version of T’Challa. What If is the famous actor’s last venture and this episode is a fitting tribute to him.

Overall, What If is quite an interesting journey. This is a very engaging series that will leave you craving for more. However, despite the amazing animation, you’ll find yourself secretly wishing this was a live-action series.

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