Weight Loss Trends 2022: Beverages to Shed Extra Kilos

Last Update: December 28, 2022, 11:15 AM IST

Green tea contains catechins and caffeine, two chemicals that may improve metabolism.

Green tea contains catechins and caffeine, two chemicals that may improve metabolism.

Green tea contains catechins and caffeine, two chemicals that may improve metabolism.

Beverages may not be the first thing you think of when you’re looking for effective ways to lose weight, but a wide range of drinks can be quite effective in achieving your weight loss goals.

Sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs), such as packaged fruit juices and sports drinks, eat up hundreds of unnecessary calories in your diet and contribute to obesity. On the other hand, many low-calorie beverages can aid and increase your metabolism, controlling your weight gain.

As 2022 draws to a close, here are five drinks that were trending for fitness enthusiasts.

green tea

Green tea contains catechins and caffeine, two chemicals that may improve metabolism. It also contains caffeine, which studies suggest can help burn fat and stimulate calorie burning when you’re at rest.

black tea

Black tea, like green tea, is high in antioxidants, especially polyphenols, which lower your risk of obesity. The polyphenols in tea help burn fat and calories. Studies have established that drinking three cups of black tea daily for three months can lead to significant weight loss.

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coconut water

Coconut water is a delicious low-calorie and low-carb addition to your beverage options. It contains vitamins and minerals such as vitamin C and manganese and is very beneficial for exercise. It is a great way to stay hydrated and refilled as it contains electrolytes like potassium, sodium and magnesium. More precisely, potassium helps to remove excess salt from the body.

black coffee

Coffee is effective in reducing appetite and calorie consumption throughout the day. A recent study by researchers at the Harvard TH Chan School of Public Health found that drinking four cups of coffee per day for 24 weeks decreased body fat by 4 percent in overweight individuals. Chlorogenic acid present in black coffee helps in weight loss.

Apple vinegar

The primary ingredient in apple cider vinegar, acetic acid, stimulates metabolism. Consuming 1 to 2 teaspoons of apple cider vinegar daily can help in weight loss.

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