Weight Loss Story: “I went from 108 kg to 82 kg in 5 months by following a balanced diet and skipping any meals”. The Times of India

It is really important to discipline your mindset, you should visualize your results, think about a lean/full body before you are physically in front of you.

Also, don’t tell yourself that you want to lose weight, but mentally tell yourself that you are at your ideal weight, which will command your mind to control the ideal weight. It’s challenging, but the self-talk really matters. Losing weight is also a mental game that you have to play. This will also reduce the anxiety and stress associated with weight loss.

As far as the journey is concerned, be consistent and don’t stagger. Give your best in the first three weeks, and then eventually it will turn into a habit. Focus on the process, the results will come out.

When you do eat, chew your food at least 32 times, paying attention to the food and avoiding distractions. Express gratitude, don’t be deceived or have negative feelings.
