5 important things to keep in mind before starting your weight loss journey

Managing weight is not an easy task. We all want to get rid of those extra…

5 useful fixes to help women lose extra kilos after 40

Men or women, we all struggle to shed those few extra kilos. As we get older,…

Breaking Myths: Lemonade is a Quick Fix for Fat Loss! except it is not

Image Source: Freepik representative image The Internet is full of misinformation, and it can be difficult…

Follow these easy steps to lose weight in sleep

Almost all of us want to lose the extra weight and look slimmer. While exercising and…

4 easy ways to lose weight in winter

With the arrival of winter season, there is a lot of lethargy. As physical activity becomes…

Weight Loss Remedies | Losing Weight Without Dieting: 22 Easy Food Tweaks to Lose Fat in 2022

Year after year many of us make a resolution to lose weight, but sometimes even upon…

Weight loss: If you want to stay fit this year, then include these 5 changes in your diet

There are tons of tips available on the internet to lose a few kilos, however, one…

Have you started your weight loss journey? These 5 things should be on your plate

Every year, we make some New Year’s resolutions on repeat and one of them is to…

Weight Loss: Inspiring Celebrity Body Changes and Tips

It is a common belief that rich celebrities can adopt an easy way to lose extra…

Lose Weight: These Delicious Parathas Will Help You Lose Weight This Winter Season

No need to worry as we have a list of parathas that will keep you healthy…