WATCH: Rafael Nadal Plays An Adorable Point Against 97-Year-Old Tennis Player – World Latest News Headlines

When it comes to achieving your dreams, it is never too late. And a tennis player in his 90s proved to be exactly what he did with 20-time Grand Slam champion Rafael Nadal! Now, a cute little video of the game is melting hearts online.

Nadal welcomed a special fan to the Rafa Nadal Academy this week – Ukrainian player Leonid Stanislavsky. The 97-year-old has created a Guinness World Record for being the world’s oldest player with an International Tennis Federation (ITF) licence. His dream was to play for a time with the 35-year-old Spanish legend.

As Stanislavski had previously expressed his desire to visit the Spaniard-run tennis academy in his hometown of Manecor, the two recently met and exchanged their love for the sport. But things turned more beautiful when they did not stop to congratulate but were seen playing together.

Nadal greeted his oldest opponent on the court with a gentle rally, while Stanislavski proved his burning desire to play with his favorite player, regardless of his age, by hitting the balls well around the court.

Watch the video here:

According to atp tour, Stanislavski, who has been competing in amateur tennis for more than 50 years, sent a letter to the ITF a few months ago asking them to create a new veteran category for players in their age range. As a result, for the first time, the ITF introduced a new category for over 90s in the ITF Super Senior World Championships.

His academy further shared some pictures from their match and posed for a memorable picture of him in front of the camera.

People on social media were impressed by the sports star’s sweet and thoughtful gesture. Others were highly impressed by the skill and enthusiasm of the non-politician. The wide smiles of the two in the pictures, a testament to their genuine happiness, are making everyone happy online.
