Want a toned butt? Try these 5 yoga asanas by Kareena Kapoor’s yoga trainer for a perfect peachy curve

Buttock Shaping Tips: Maintaining your overall balance, posture and stability requires regular lower body exercise. Doing glute or butt stretching and exercises once a week has been shown to improve lumbar, or low back, stability and reduce the risk of long-term low back pain.

Stretching your hips before exercising can increase your range of motion. Additionally, it aids in toning the superior thigh muscles – the gluteus maximus, medius and minimus. However, cellulite deposits add to the difficulty of the condition.

Recently Anshuka Parwani, celebrity yoga trainer to Alia Bhatt, Kareena Kapoor, Ananya Panday and Deepika Padukone shared a post on Instagram about yogasanas (workout practices) to keep their butt in shape. She captioned the post, “Here’s a booty-lysis exercise you don’t want to miss… Strong glutes are so important for correct pelvic alignment and supporting the lower back.”

Wellness experts suggest simply following these yoga asanas to develop the perfect butt:

Start each asana for 15 seconds and do it for 3 minutes.

1. Goddess Mudra

Goddess pose or Utkata Konasana strengthens and tones the lower body while opening the hips and chest.

2. Chair pose on toes

Chair pose or Utkatasana enhances cardiovascular health and stamina while enhancing balance. It especially strengthens your thighs, ankles and core.

3. Warrior III Pose

Warrior III pose or Virabhadrasana III strengthens the entire back of the body including the shoulders, hamstrings, calves, ankles and back.

4. Tiger pose

Tiger pose or Vyaghrasana stimulates and stretches the muscles of the spine and back. This yoga asana revitalizes the reproductive, lymphatic and nervous systems while strengthening the core of the body.

5. Bridge pose

Bridge pose or Setubandhasana enhances posture and reduces the negative effects of extended computer use. Your back muscles, glutes, thighs and ankles are all strengthened as the asana gently stretches your abdomen, chest and the area around your shoulders.

(Disclaimer: This article is based on the information given by the trainer on his social media profile. Zee News does not verify the same.)