Visiting grieving family, general vows to catch terrorists who killed mom, daughters

The commander of military forces in the West Bank sent his condolences on Friday to the bereaved Dee family at their home in Efrat after the death of sisters Maiya and Rina and their mother Lucy in a deadly terrorist shootout last week.

Major General Yehuda Fox, head of the Israel Defense Forces Central Command, told widower Rabbi Leo D. that the army had failed in its mission to protect the three and vowed that “we will not rest until we catch the killers”. do.”

The IDF launched a search for the gunmen who fled the scene, but as of Saturday they remained at large.

Dee replied to Fox, “It didn’t even occur to us to blame the IDF, I know you’re doing everything you can.” “One thing we will not request, we do not want you to risk the lives of Israeli soldiers to capture these people.”

“So if it takes a little longer, and if other ways of dealing with it are needed, we are in no hurry. Find a way that will preserve the lives of Jews,” he said.

Fox thanked Rabbi Dee for his “extraordinary” response to the tragedy, in reference to the call for rabbinic solidarity. Jews around the world responded to his call by posting Israeli flags on their social media pages as a sign of unity.

From left: Lucie Dee is seen with her daughters Rina and Maia. On April 7, 2023, both sisters were shot dead in a terrorist attack in the West Bank. His mother, who was seriously injured in the attack, died on April 10, 2023. (courtesy)

Thousands of mourners join Dee family for Funeral Lucy D’s on Tuesday, less than 48 hours after her buried They have two daughters Maiya and Reena. The family, who immigrated from Britain nine years ago, have dual citizenship.

Many politicians, including President Isaac Herzog, paid Condolence meet Thursday at D’s house.

In last Friday’s attack, near the settlement of Hamra, Palestinian gunmen opened fire on the victims’ car, causing it to crash on the side of a highway. The terrorists again opened fire on the car, killing both the sisters and seriously injuring their mother.

Lucy died during treatment at the hospital on Monday.

Security forces at the scene of a deadly terror attack in the northern Jordan Valley on April 7, 2023. (Michael Gilady/Flash90)

Surveillance camera footage of the attack showed the terrorists driving up to the victims’ car, with one man opening fire from the passenger seat.

The car with the gunmen made a U-turn on the highway and fled towards Nablus.

Several hours after the fatal shooting, an Arab Israeli man rammed his car into a group of tourists near a resort in Tel Aviv, killing Italian citizen Alessandro Parini and injuring seven others.

Tensions escalated last week with rocket attacks from Syria on Saturday night, rockets from Lebanon on Thursday, intermittent rocket fire from the Gaza Strip and Israeli attacks over the past week, including clashes at the Al-Aqsa mosque. Jerusalem’s Temple Mount, terrorist attacks in Israel and the West Bank, and a suspected Iranian drone launched from Syria last week.

Emmanuel Fabian contributed to this report.

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