Vadodara: Students give idols for ‘adoption’ for maintenance

A group of around 100 high school students from Vadodara have “adopted” 15 statues of famous personalities across the city to make their mark as the ‘Children Empowerment Forum (CEF)’, one with 15 private Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) has been signed. and government agencies to ensure regular maintenance.

The group had launched a campaign a few weeks ago for the maintenance of statues of public figures from history located across the city and with the support of the Vadodara Municipal Corporation (VMC), 25 such statues have been identified for maintenance for a year by interested agencies. Had it.

Titled ‘Viral Vibhuti Pramita Dattat Yojna’ (Glorious Personality Statue Adoption Project), the brainchild of Vedanta Thakar, a 17-year-old CEF-led project, the project took over 25 statues of public figures like Narsee Mehta, poet Narmad has kept. , Ravibhai Desai, Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, and others for “adoption” in Vadodara.

Thakar said a group of 100 CEF volunteers from different schools in Vadodara are trying to identify “adoptable idols” and then approach private companies and government agencies to adopt the idols in their vicinity. Contacting them to ensure they are well maintained. year.

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Thakar said, “There are many idols in the city but we were able to shortlist 25 in the first round as they were easily adoptable as they are accessible. Of these, we would like to offer to the interested entities annually as part of ‘Sadbhavna’. Have managed to deliver 15 for maintenance. We have signed a formal MoU with the parties and handed it over to VMC on Saturday.

On Saturday, Vadodara Mayor Keyur Rokadia and VMC Standing Committee Chairman Hitendra Patel organized a felicitation ceremony for the organizations that came forward to adopt the statues and encouraged the children to continue their “good work”.

Thakar said, “In a year, the organizations that have adopted the statues will ensure that they are cleaned regularly, at least once a week, to clean them once a year on a coincident anniversary.” against the exercise, is done by the administration…”