Vadodara: Problems in water supply due to poor distribution. Vadodara News – Times of India

Vadodara: There was no need to tell the opposition the problems being faced in the supply Water Members of the ruling BJP in the Vadodara Municipal Corporation (VMC) in the city themselves raised the issue of irregularities. water supply In some areas the general board meeting of the civic body.
However, a senior party member said the issues should be discussed in private and not in the board, while another member said issues from their areas should be allowed to be raised.
About half a dozen BJP members, including water supply committee chairman Manish Pagar, took part in the debate.
The Chairman said that along with leakages, water theft also took place. He said there was enough water, but faulty delivery.
Senior members like Ajit Dadhich and Nilesh Rathod, who have held key positions in the elected wing of the VMC, also raised the issue of water.
Mayor Keyur Rokadia assured that necessary action will be taken in this regard soon.
