Unscientific road turns death trap for commuters | Mangaluru News – Times of India

Mangaluru: Residents living near Padil (Kembar Padil Cross) continue to live in fear due to the unscientific design and sharp turn here that is causing minor to fatal accidents, mostly topping of vehicles. The latest incident occurred on Wednesday early morning where a bitumen-laden heavy truck toppled and blocked the road.
According to residents, the National Highways Authority of India (NHAI) is aware about the turn, but it has not yet come up with any solution to rectify it.
“We are always at the receiving end due to the faulty design of the road which results in frequent accidents. There are minor to major accidents witnessed everyday for the past several years. Yet no action has been initiated so far,” “Whenever there is an accident, especially that of motorists, I go and provide them with water and first aid. The steep curve on both sides witnesses at least one small/major accident every week,” said an elderly lady, living close to the spot.
The NHAI has not been able to find a concrete solution to the unscientific turn that continues to be a death trap for motorists. Roopashree, who is the area corporator, said she has met NHAI officials multiple times. “They have said that they cannot find a solution as roads cannot be widened and no land is available,” she said. She had also proposed a speed breaker, but NHAI turned it down.
Major incidents in the past
December 6, 2020: A young biker Manvith, 22, resident of Neermarga died after he lost control over his vehicle and rammed into a road median. He was crushed under a container lorry.
March 31, 2021: A coal laden lorry toppled and the lorry driver fractured his right hand in the incident.
Eight years ago, two persons on a bike who were rushing to the railway station were crushed under a midday meal supply vehicle.
