Unlock the Benefits of Eating Chia Seeds: Here’s the Right Way to Eat It

Chia seeds are often called a superfood because of their high levels of omega-3 fatty acids and dietary fiber. They can be eaten raw or, when mixed with liquid, form a gelatinous slurry that acts as a thickener.

While chia seeds have only recently grown in popularity, the tiny seeds have been around for thousands of years and are thought to have originated in Central America, where they were eaten by the Aztecs.

Chia seeds are a popular superfood, but consumers may not be getting the most out of them, said the team from the University of Adelaide in Australia.

“Chia seeds contain healthy fats, antioxidants, and dietary fiber, but there hasn’t been much research on how the composition of these seeds interacts with the microflora of the gut, which helps digest food,” says Rachel. Burton, a professor in the University’s School of Medicine. Agriculture, food and wine.

“Through this research, we found that different preparation methods affected the nutritional benefits derived from the seeds and that grinding them provided more nutrients than eating them whole.”

To carry out this research, the gut microbes of pigs were exposed to different forms of chia seeds, including whole seeds and seeds that had been put into food.

The samples were incubated for 70 hours, while a special robotic machine simulating the digestion process measured the gas released over this time.

Dr James Cowley, from the University’s School of Agriculture, Food and Wine, said: “We found that when the seeds are ground up, they produce more beneficial metabolites or fuels, which can be used to renew gut cells. can be done for.”

“This suggests that the benefits of eating chia seeds may be enhanced if the nutlets are ground, improving access to key nutrients such as dietary fiber.”

The findings, including a detailed chemical analysis of the composition of chia seeds, have been published in the journal Food and Function.

“There is a lot of emerging research that links gut microbes in the digestive tract to a huge range of conditions, including depression and anxiety. Consuming ground chia seeds could potentially shift the population of gut microbes and help with these conditions. however, more research needs to be conducted in this area,” Cowley said.