Ukraine’s Kyiv ready for major Russian attack ground report

It turns into a fortress preparing for a major Russian attack, as India Today ground reports from Kyiv, Ukraine.

A convoy of military trucks parked on a road in Mykolaivka, Donetsk region, an area controlled by pro-Russian militants from eastern Ukraine. (Photo: AP/FILE)

The war in Ukraine continues for the 17th day in a row, with Russian troops advancing rapidly towards the capital, Kyiv. The Russians are burning fuel to keep themselves warm because they are unable to move.

India Today spoke to Ukraine TV anchor turned soldier Ilya Berezenko, who is on Frontline fighting against Russian soldiers,

He said that the war was taking place at a distance of 2 to 3 kms from where he was posted. Berezenko claimed that Ukrainian troops were able to destroy a column of Russian heavy-armored vehicles.

In the midst of battle, with a rain of missiles and heavy fire, Ukrainians have taken refuge in bomb shelters,

Ukrainian special forces are targeting the supply chain of Russian troops. Armored trucks are allowed to pass but fuel tankers are bombed. Strategically, the attack is carried out in the middle of the convoy to prevent them from advancing.