Two Of Rmc’s Stray Cattle Team Attacked With Chemical | Rajkot News – Times of India

Rajkot: Two people of the Rajkot civic body’s stray cattle impounding team working in the night shift faced an attack with chemicals early in the morning on Thursday near Amul circle. Following Gujarat high court’s direction, the RMC has strengthened impounding activities and have also started night shift.
The attack triggered resentment among the team members who rushed to meet the municipal commissioner demanding more protection during impounding activities. An FIR have been registered with the Thorala police station against unknown persons for offence of obstructing government employees from discharging duty.
According to the police, Dhiru Dorsaniya (52), a labourer on RMC rolls and Meru Chavda (28), a driver working on contract with the civic body received burns on the face and burning sensation in their eyes in the attack. The duo is out of danger, said cops.
The two people were travelling in an open tractor that is part of a convoy when two people on a bike without registration number plate approached them near the Amul circle. One of the bike riders suddenly sprayed something on their faces before speeding off. Immediately, both Dorsaniya and Chavda started to complain of skin burning and were rushed to a hospital.
RMC’s union leaders along with the team of cattle nuisance control department (CNCD) came to meet municipal commissioner Amit Arora in the morning with the representation to provide more security to the team as well as provide more hands on the lines of Ahmedabad and Surat.
The convoy had several vehicles including 12 people of vigilance and one vehicle of the traffic police.
Nilesh Galchar, a livestock inspector who was with the team said, “We were attacked three times even earlier in the past four days in which cattle breeders pelted stones on our vehicles on Gondal road, Virani chowk and the racecourse. There is a biker gang that follows us and keeps cattle breeders informed in advance before our team arrives in a particular area.”
A meeting of RMC officials was also held with police officers after the incident. The meeting decided to strengthen security of the team. “We have asked the police to provide sufficient security to our team, especially when they are going in the sensitive areas. We have also asked them to increase patrolling so that miscreants desist from attacking our team,” Rajkot municipal commissioner Amit Arora told TOI.