Top Expert on Boosters: Everyone will be infected with Omicron, the booster can’t stop it; New vaccine will give better protection against infection

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  • covid 19 india | Booster Vaccine Not Enough, Experts Say Omicron Version of Covid 19 Is Invincible

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The World Health Organization (WHO) and Indian experts have warned about Omicron and booster doses. The WHO has said that repeatedly giving the Kovid vaccine as a booster dose is not an effective strategy against the new variant. Instead, a new vaccine should be given, which can give better protection against infection.

Dr. Jayaprakash Muliyil, chairperson of the Scientific Advisory Committee of the National Institute of Epidemiology, ICMR, said that the Omicron variant cannot be stopped with a booster dose and will infect everyone.

Shocking points of ICMR expert
More than 80% do not know when the infection happened: Dr. Muliyil said in a conversation with NDTV that Kovid is not more scary now. Its new variant is lighter and has a much lower hospitalization rate. Omicron can be dealt with. He said that most of us do not even know that they have been infected. Probably more than 80% of people will not know when they got the infection.

Boosters not recommended: He said, “No medical institution has recommended a booster dose. This booster dose cannot stop the natural process of the epidemic. No government body has recommended a booster. As far as I am aware, there is a recommendation of a precautionary dose.” The reason for this is the reports, in which it was being said that people above 60 years of age are not developing the ability to fight the infection even after 2 doses.

Infection doubling in two days On corona testing, he said, “Similarly, testing a person with symptoms without coming in contact with a corona patient is also not good. The infection is doubling in two days, that is, by the time the test shows its presence, then By the time the infected person has spread the infection to many people. Even when you do the test, you are far behind. This is not something that should have any bearing on the assessment of the epidemic.’

We cannot stay locked in homes for long: On the issue of lockdown, Dr. Muliyil said, “We cannot stay locked in our homes for very long. We are constantly saying that the Omicron variant is much lighter than the Delta. 85% of Indians are infected with Corona only then When the vaccine was introduced in India, then the first dose of the vaccine was actually the first booster dose in India, because immunity was born naturally due to infection in Indians.

WHO warning
The WHO’s Technical Advisory Group on Corona Vaccine Composition said that current corona vaccines appear to be less effective in people who are infected with the Omicron variant of the corona. Corona vaccine effective in preventing infection and its spread should be developed so that the infection is not serious and deaths can be prevented. Until such a vaccine is available, the existing COVID vaccine should be updated.

infection will increase in india
Health experts say that the Omicron variant is highly contagious and cases will increase rapidly in the coming days in India. If the vaccination is completed and the Kovid guidelines are followed, then the effect of the epidemic can be stopped. On Tuesday, 1.5 lakh cases were reported in India for the third consecutive day. More than 1 lakh 63 thousand cases came in 24 hours. NTAGI Chairman Dr NK Arora told the news agency – The peak depends on how the virus is transmitted. Guidelines have to be followed to deal with this. Along with this, vaccination will have to be done. Administrative steps like Night Curfew and Weekend Curfew will have to be taken.

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