Tired of Regular Running? Here’s Why Inclined Treadmill Run May Be A Better Option

Last Update: January 10, 2023, 13:18 IST

There are many benefits of running.

There are many benefits of running.

There are plenty of benefits to running if you choose to use this workout on a regular basis.

Have you ever tried walking uphill? Even if the climb was steep, you find yourself gasping for breath after just a few steps. This is because you work harder to get ahead. Now what if your treadmill had the same option and you didn’t have to search for a hill near you?

Well, the good news is that most treadmills have incline and decline options. There are plenty of benefits to running, if you choose to use that feature regularly.

“Walking on an incline is a full-body workout that can burn as many calories as you would while running. [on a flat surface]explains Holly Rogers, NASM-certified personal trainer, reports Shape.com.

But why is incline walking beneficial? How does it help your body?

By bending over, your body has to work harder. This is because you are fighting gravity to push yourself upwards. Inclined walking and running increase your heart rate. It provides many cardiovascular benefits if you do it for some time. When you walk or run on an inclined treadmill, it activates your hip, knee and ankle muscles.

But what are the benefits of bending over?

  1. improves heart rate
    Regularly engaging in incline walking helps you get your heart rate up quickly. Incline running adds more intensity to your movement, causing your heart to work harder in the process.
  2. builds and strengthens muscles
    Since incline walking involves walking against gravity, it helps strengthen your muscles. This increases your strength output over time.
  3. Burns more calories than flat-road walking
    One study found that compared to walking on a flat surface, participants burned 17 percent more calories on a 5 percent incline and 32 percent more calories on a 10 percent incline.
  4. Increases speed and stamina
    Running on an incline is not only wonderful for your stamina, but it also helps you build strength in your leg muscles, which improves your speed.
  5. Reduces the risk of shin splints
    Running on a flat track or downhill can result in excruciatingly painful shin splints from putting pressure on your shin bones. An inclined race can reduce some of that tension.

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