This Password Manager Has Made Its Mobile Apps Open Source: What It Means

Last Update: February 07, 2023, 08:00 IST

Dashlane is making the right decisions

Dashlane is making the right decisions

Password managers allow developers to test apps, helping them make it stronger and more secure.

As digital libraries expand, password managers have become increasingly important to millions of people, and this week we’re hearing news about a company that’s opening its platform to other developers. Dashlane is familiar to many and the company has decided to open source its Android and iOS apps.

The source code of the apps is available on GitHub which encourages other developers to experiment and partner with the password manager for different applications. Dashlane has shared this update through its blog post.

The company says that all updates made through this project will be shared on a quarterly basis and will improve as internal processes improve.

Password managers mostly require air-tight security to attract customers and the whole purpose of open sourcing the app is to build a robust security platform with the help of the developer community.

In addition to enabling testing of the platform, Dashlane hopes other developers can take a peek into the source code of its applications and build similar products for the betterment of digital security. Interestingly, Dashlane isn’t offering macOS and Windows apps to open source, and even the mobile apps have been accessible by select developers until now.

LastPass recently confirmed several data breaches, one of which may have even exposed user credentials. The company talked about a vulnerability that allowed attackers to leak master keys. It’s likely that companies like Dashlane are now taking precautions and that open sourcing is a step in the right direction.

LastPass, which counts more than 25 million users, works by collecting hundreds of passwords consumers and corporate users use to log into their social media accounts, business networks, online retailers and more.

Security professionals routinely recommend using a unique, complex password for every website a person visits, so password managers like LastPass play an important role in keeping people’s data secure online.

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