Things You Should Expect In A Healthy Relationship

Intimacy is a very important expectation in a love relationship.  (File for representation)

Intimacy is a very important expectation in a love relationship. (File for representation)

It’s normal to have expectations in a relationship, and in many situations it’s a good thing to have them. It shows your value to both your relationship and yourself

It is normal to have expectations in a relationship and in many cases it is a good thing to have them. It’s a sign that you value yourself and the relationship you’re in. If we continue to rationalize others’ adverse actions toward us, it may be because we have low self-esteem and feel that this is what we deserve. This is undoubtedly wrong for a healthy relationship. So, one should always have some reasonable expectations from their partner and respect their needs as well.

On the other hand, having excessive expectations can sometimes become a cause of trouble. Perhaps it is time to question ourselves: are we being reasonable with our expectations of our partner, or have they become unrealistic?

To answer these questions, here are some expectations you should have from your partner:

  1. The importance of mutual respect in a relationship can never be underestimated. It’s right to expect your partner to respect your boundaries as well as respect for you personally. A respectful partner will not publicly humiliate you, whether he disagrees with you or not. They should recognize and value your skills, understand your flaws, and never intentionally cross boundaries.
  2. Another important expectation in a relationship is transparency and clarity. You would obviously expect your partner to show you the real you and not pretend to be someone they are not. Pretense not only breaks the bond but also affects the person mentally. Also, clarity of thoughts and ideas is important. One expects their partner to talk openly about the issues they face in life or with each other and there is a free flow of ideas.
  3. While everyone is busy pursuing a career or taking care of their family, it is not wrong to expect that your partner will also prioritize spending time with you. For a relationship to flourish, it is necessary that the partners spend maximum time together. It’s normal to expect a balance between work and relationships. Although there are times when the balance is inadvertently broken, one must take steps to regain it.
  4. Another important expectation in a romantic relationship is intimacy. It refers to both emotional and physical intimacy. Your words and actions show how invested you are in your partner. While one partner needs to be present and attentive, a certain level of physical intimacy is also necessary. However, the consent of the partner is most important.

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