Thieves thrashed by mob in Jalandhar: Caught breaking the shutter of betel kiosk; Two knives were also recovered, 12 days ago they were caught from Udham Singh Nagar but the police released them.

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  • Jalandhar
  • Caught breaking the shutter of Paan Kiosk; Two knives also came out, were caught 12 days ago from Udham Singh Nagar but the police left

Jalandhar9 hours ago

The mob caught the thief in Jalandhar’s JP Nagar.

In Jalandhar on Friday night, two thieves who were fond of cigarettes were caught in JP Nagar. The accused were breaking the shutter of the paan-bidi kiosk there. After this he was searched and two sharp razors also came out. Due to which people got angry. He thrashed both of them fiercely. The thieves tried to escape but were not successful. After this the police were called and handed over to them.

Police personnel of Thana Basti Bawa Khel said that they are being interrogated at the police station. After that, further action will be taken after registering the case. The special thing is that about 12 days ago, these two thieves had taken away the sack of the cyclist from the traffic signal of Football Chowk. Even then they were caught and handed over to the police. Despite this, the police left without concrete action. Because of which he came out to commit the crime again.

The knife recovered from the accused.

The knife recovered from the accused.

People said: If you wanted to catch, tried to stab you, also tried to run away

The people involved in the crowd that surrounded the thieves in JP Nagar said that both of them were breaking the lock of the shutter. When they tried to catch him, the accused took out a knife. He threatened to stab her if she came close. However, some youths caught him by showing courage. After which whoever got the chance, kept beating them by lying on the road. Meanwhile, a thief also tried to run away but people chased him and caught him.

Police personnel reaching JP Nagar on bike making video.

Police personnel reaching JP Nagar on bike making video.

Police condition: No action before, instead of stopping, keep making videos of assault

The worst situation turned out to be the police claiming to have tight security in the city. The police did not take concrete action against them when they were caught in Avtar Nagar. He was released by just filing a journal report. Now when the information about the arrest of two thieves was given in the police control room, they reached there on the bike. In which 2 policemen were already sitting. People got angry about the attitude of the police regarding this. After which the policemen called the police station and called for the vehicle and took them away. Earlier, when people kept beating the accused, instead of stopping them, the police started making videos. There was a lot of uproar about that too.

This accused is said to be the third accomplice of the thieves.

This accused is said to be the third accomplice of the thieves.

The accused thieves were drunk, the photo of the third partner was also caught in the camera

When they were caught, the accused thieves were in a drunken state. Earlier, when caught in Avtar Nagar too, these thieves had thrown the syringes away. People also released the photo of his third partner. He said that the attitude of the police towards thieves is like this, so people should keep themselves alert and protect their house, shop and belongings.

The thief caught trying to escape fell on the road.

The thief caught trying to escape fell on the road.

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