There are many benefits of including kiwi fruit in your diet. here’s what you need to know

Kiwi fruit isn’t usually thought of as a “superfood,” but it is a fruit that is high in important vitamins and minerals and can have a significant impact on your health. These brownish fuzzy fruits have a sweet and somewhat acidic flavor with green pulp on the inside that gives it a distinct flavor and tropical zing.

It is also high in nutrients such as vitamin C, vitamin K, vitamin E, folate and potassium. They are also high in antioxidants and an excellent source of fiber. Their tiny black seeds and discolored brown skin are also edible, although many people prefer to peel the kiwi before eating it.

Kiwi is a tough fruit that is easily available in stores throughout the year. From November to May, they are cultivated in California, and from June to October, they are cultivated in New Zealand. The fruit is also available in 50 different types, with flesh ranging from custard-like to golden to brilliant pink and each with a unique flavor character and use.

Let us know some science-based health benefits of including kiwi in your diet.

Kiwi helps keep blood clots away

Kiwi has been proven to reduce fat content, which helps avoid blood clots and regulate blood pressure. This was found to occur without harmful effects on blood cholesterol levels. Aspirin is often the drug of choice for preventing cardiovascular events. However, aspirin can induce GI inflammation and ulcers. According to research, eating two to three kiwi fruits per day can help thin the blood and enhance heart health over time.

Kiwi improves digestion

Kiwi contains high amounts of dietary fiber, which makes it beneficial for digestion. In addition to fiber, kiwi contains actinidin, an enzyme that can efficiently break down proteins in the stomach. Consuming kiwis after a heavy meal is recommended as it can help break down stubborn proteins from meat and fish, which can cause bloating. Kiwi also has a mild laxative effect, which can aid a sluggish digestive system.

It prevents vision loss.

Kiwi can help protect your eyes from macular degeneration, which is the primary cause of visual loss. According to a research, consuming fruits three times a day has reduced the risk of macular degeneration by 36 percent. reliable source. The high amounts of zeaxanthin and lutein found in kiwi are thought to contribute to this effect.

DNA repair

Our DNA is under constant stress. Every disease or health problem that concerns cells, whether small or large, is related to poor DNA health. Kiwis are reported to have exceptional DNA repair skills. According to holistic lifestyle coach, Luke Coutinho, eating kiwis on a daily basis can reduce your chances of developing colon cancer, making kiwis a food of interest in most cancer diets.

Aids in the regulation of blood pressure.

Kiwi can help lower blood pressure and prevent diseases such as heart disease and stroke. A 2014 research on kiwi found that eating 3 kiwis per day for 8 weeks reduced diastolic and systolic blood pressure. Kiwi contains an antioxidant called lutein, which may be responsible for its blood pressure-lowering properties. Kiwis contain vitamin C, which may help lower blood pressure.

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