The tragedy of 3 people who witnessed the cloudburst: It seemed that there was a strong explosion near the Amarnath cave, the situation in Kishtwar was such that the injured had to walk 5 km

  • Hindi News
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  • It was raining continuously since morning, suddenly there was a loud explosion, when I came out I saw that the bridge was broken, 6 people have died.

7 minutes ago

The havoc of nature has once again wreaked havoc. Cloudburst in Jammu and Kashmir and Himachal has claimed 22 lives, while 40 are missing. A cloudburst has caused a lot of destruction in Honjar Dachchan village of Kishtwar in Jammu and Kashmir. At the same time, the camps of BSF, CRPF and Jammu and Kashmir Police have been damaged due to cloudburst near Amarnath cave. On July 25, 10 people were killed in a cloudburst in Himachal’s Kinnaur, while many are still missing.

Dainik Bhaskar interacted with the witnesses of the cloudburst incident near Kishtwar and Amarnath cave in Kashmir. We spoke to the person who witnessed the devastation after the cloudburst in Himachal’s Kinnaur. the words of these witnesses After all, how the havoc of nature created havoc.

The injured had to be carried on a stretcher on foot for five kilometers: Burhan Mir

On Wednesday, 4 people died due to cloudburst in Kishtwar.  Floods and landslides have caused huge destruction in the area.  Army has been called here for relief work.

On Wednesday, 4 people died due to cloudburst in Kishtwar. Floods and landslides have caused massive destruction in this area. Army has been called here for relief work.

It was raining heavily here on Wednesday. I was nearby where the cloud burst in Honjar village of Kishtwar. Suddenly a loud sound started coming from the hill above in Honjar village. We couldn’t understand what was happening. After a few minutes, heavy debris of water, stones, wood and mud started falling down the hill. Many houses and shops were washed away before my eyes. There was shouting all around.

Because of the darkness, no one could even see anyone. The rain was so heavy that it was difficult to even go out and there was a feeling of fear. Tried to call but there was no network in mobile. People were crying for rescue, but no one was able to reach for help. The horrific scene continued throughout the night. At around 3-4 in the morning, after the rain subsided, people from nearby villages reached there for rescue, but they too were unable to do much due to mud, heavy rain and floods. There was chaos for hours.

Later, police and army personnel reached there and started relief work. It was also difficult to transport the injured due to landslides at various places. Due to this, the injured had to walk five-five km on a stretcher. After that he was taken to Kishtwar via ambulance. How much destruction took place and how many people have died, it will be known only after two-three days.

It felt like there was a loud explosion near the Amarnath cave: Nazir Ahmed

On Wednesday, a cloudburst near the Amarnath cave in Jammu and Kashmir has caused huge destruction.  However, there is no news of any loss of life.

On Wednesday, a cloudburst near the Amarnath cave in Jammu and Kashmir has caused huge destruction. However, there is no news of any loss of life.

This year Amarnath Yatra is not taking place, so there was no one except security forces around the cave. It had been raining for a day or two, but on Wednesday afternoon, it was felt that there was a strong explosion near the Amarnath cave. I live in Sonmarg. After some time such a flood of water came in the surrounding areas of Sonmarg that it seemed that everything would be washed away. After some time it came to know that the cloud has burst near the Amarnath cave and due to this the water level has increased.

Some CRPF personnel and policemen were stationed near the cave at that time. There was some damage to his camp, but fortunately no one died there. After the rain stopped around 5 pm, the chaos subsided, but the water level of the Indus river was rising continuously due to cloudburst and the people around were very scared. People were being asked to reach a safe place. The water level in the Sindh river became very high at around 9 pm, but after an hour the water level started decreasing. Cloudburst has caused damage in Sonmarg, but it is much less as compared to Kishtwar.

Part of the mountain broke in Kinnaur and fell on the river bridge: Yogiraj

Cloudburst in Himachal's Kinnaur district has claimed nine lives while many are still missing.

Cloudburst in Himachal’s Kinnaur district has claimed nine lives while many are still missing.

I work in a hotel in Kinnaur district of Himachal. I was having lunch. Then there was a loud bang, I ran out. It was raining heavily. I saw that only a large part of the mountain had fallen. Heavy pieces of stone were falling from above. A huge stone fell on a bridge over the Baspa river. The bridge broke in a jiffy. This bridge connects Basteri village.

After that I reached near the bridge with a friend of mine. The bridge was completely broken. It was found there that the cloud has burst and due to that there has been a landslide in many places. We proceeded from there to save lives, but the situation was painful. 6 dead bodies came out in front of me. One person had a head injury, which we rescued. After that the police and ITBP personnel reached. The relief work is facing difficulties due to rain and heavy water logging.

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