The Importance Of Protecting Mental Health During Pregnancy: What You Need To Know

Mental health issues are common during pregnancy, and taking care of your mental health is essential to ensure a healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby.

Mental health issues during pregnancy can take many forms including depression, anxiety and stress. These issues can be caused by a variety of factors, including hormonal changes, relationship problems, financial stress, and physical discomfort. Whatever the reason, it is important to address mental health issues during pregnancy to ensure the best possible outcome for both mother and baby.

According to Shivangi Sagar, counseling psychologist and co-founder of HopeCure, mood swings are normal during pregnancy, but if you feel nervous or down all the time, it could be a sign of something deeper. “The stress of being pregnant, the changes in your body during pregnancy, and everyday worries can take a toll,” she says. Depression and anxiety are two of the most common and prevalent disorders during pregnancy. Prevalence ranges from 8 to 30 percent. . Worldwide.”

“Antenatal depression, that is, depression before childbirth is a strong predictor of postpartum depression. Depression is feeling sad or sad or irritable for weeks or months at a time. One can have depression before becoming pregnant. But this pregnancy Can also start during Pregnancy for a variety of reasons – for example, if a woman is not happy being pregnant or is experiencing too much stress at work or at home. Whereas, anxiety is a feeling of worry or fear over things that might happen if you worry a lot anyway, so many things can stress you out during pregnancy, says Shivangi.

“Prenatal and postnatal psychiatric issues are associated with a range of poor outcomes, including maternal, child, and family unit challenges. Infants and young children of depressed mothers are more likely to have difficult temperaments as well as cognitive and emotional delays.” among mothers who have a history of depression and decide to stop taking their antidepressants during the perinatal period, the majority suffer from recurrent symptoms. If postpartum depression persists, poor mother-infant attachment, There is an increased risk of delayed cognitive and language skills in the infant, poor emotional development, and a risk of behavioral problems in later life.”

While mothers are prone to adverse mental health concerns during pregnancy, it is of prime importance that these symptoms can be managed.

Counseling psychologist Shivangi suggests seven ways for you to protect your mental health while you are pregnant:

1. Seek Prenatal Care

Regular prenatal care is important in identifying mental health issues early and providing support and resources to address them. Prenatal care can also ensure that both mother and baby stay healthy during pregnancy. Prenatal yoga is a powerful tool for managing depression. It can aid in uplifting the mood during pregnancy and provide strength to the body, especially the pelvic floor, hip and abdominal core muscles. It gives the mother a healthy pregnancy and research has confirmed that a healthy mother is more likely to deliver or give birth to a healthy baby.

2. Raise Awareness

It is important to note that you may be facing mental health issues. Talking to a professional can be helpful and can help you deal with your specific problems.

3. Practice Positive Self-Talk

Sometimes writing down some positive affirmations and reading them out loud can help lift the mood. It is important that pregnant women focus their attention on positive things.

4. Communicate Openly

Talking with your partner, family, friends, or a professional about the cause of your stress can help you understand your stressors and how you can manage them. It will also help your loved ones to support you during this period. A strong support system can provide valuable emotional support and connection during pregnancy. Joining a support group for pregnant women can also provide a valuable source of support.

5. Make Self-Care a Priority

Taking care of yourself during pregnancy is essential to reducing stress and promoting positive mental health. This may include getting enough rest, eating a healthy diet, and engaging in regular physical activity. Taking time to relax and engage in activities can also help reduce stress.

6. Breathing Exercises

You can try breathing exercises to help calm yourself down during times of stress and anxiety. You can also try mindfulness and meditation techniques to control your emotions.

7. Seek Professional Help

If you are experiencing severe or persistent mental health problems during pregnancy, it is essential to seek professional help. This may include therapy, medication, or a combination of both. Healthcare providers can help identify the best treatment options for individual needs.