The girl who was hit by the car jumped in the air, VIDEO: A young man driving on learning in Hyderabad collided

One hour ago

In Rajendra Nagar, Hyderabad, a young man driving a car on a learning hit a girl, due to which she jumped and fell away. The incident happened on Wednesday. Its video was captured on CCTV. After the incident the girl was admitted to the hospital, she is currently out of danger.

The car suddenly turned and hit the girl

Police said that the youth who hit the 16-year-old girl is 19 years old. Both are residents of Rajendra Nagar. He is learning to drive a car since last few days. On Wednesday too, he had left with a car in the street. During this, the young man hit the girl coming from the front. Due to the collision of the car, the girl jumped in the air and fell.

On getting information about the matter, the police reached the spot. Police have registered a case and seized the vehicle.

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